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1st House Lord in the 9th House | Lords Through Houses



1st house lord in the 9th house

In Vedic Astrology, the relationship between the Kendra and Trikon houses has always been given great importance. The Kendra houses are known as Vishnu Stans and the Trikon houses are known as Laxmi Stans. When both these houses make a relation, they form an extremely powerful Raj Yoga.

Some of the enthusiasts of Vedic Astrology may already know about this, but when the 1st house and the 9th house lords make a connection, yoga is even more powerful. It is as though, the native born in this yoga is born to succeed and achieve great things in his lifetime. The yoga becomes so powerful that the native keeps getting success after success in his lifetime, no matter what he does, or what paths he takes, success keeps following him.

Today, we are going to talk about the special combination or relationship between the 1st house and the 9th house.

The 1st house in Vedic Astrology

The 1st house in Vedic Astrology is known as the lagan, or the ascendant. The 1st house in Vedic astrology is considered to be one of the most important houses in a horoscope. This house is associated with the self, and it determines things like your physical appearance, inner nature, and health and vitality.

The 1st house is also linked to issues like personal drives and motivation, as well as emotional strength and courage. In general, individuals with strong 1st house energies tend to be confident and assertive in their pursuits, while those with weaker 1st house energies may struggle with self-doubt or indecision.

The 1st house significator is Mars and the Sun is the main Karak planet for the 1st house. Sun gives excellent results in the 1st house, while Mars also gives very auspicious results. In fact all the planets give very strong results in the 1st house, as having planets in the 1st house itself is considered to be very auspicous.

However, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn in the 1st house will also give good results, but will also bring some troubles in into the life of the native.

The 9th house in Vedic Astrology

The 9th house in Vedic Astrology is associated with spirituality, wisdom, and higher learning. It is also considered the house of good fortune, and is said to represent the blessings that come from the divine. It is known as the house of “Bhagya” or our fate and fortune.

The 9th house plays an important role in our lives, as it helps us to connect with our higher selves and access our true potential.

When we are able to tap into the energies of the 9th house, we can open ourselves up to a world of possibility and limitless potential. We can also connect with our highest purpose and find a sense of meaning and fulfilment in our lives.

The 9th house is a powerful source of guidance and inspiration, and by understanding its energies, we can live more fulfilling and enriching lives.

Again Sun is also the main Karaka planet of the 9th house as the 9th house represents our father. Along with Sun, Jupiter is also the Karak planet for the 9th house. All the planets give good results in the 9th house.

The 9th house in Vedic astrology represents a wide range of experiences and ideas related to travel, spirituality, and higher learning. This is perhaps most evident in the 9th house’s association with long-distance travel, which can take us to far-flung destinations around the globe or simply out of our own comfort zone.

1st House Lord in the 9th House

1st house lord in the 9th house
  • The native having his 1st house lord sitting in the 9th house is a very strong position. This creates a very strong and auspicious Raj Yoga called “Kendra Trikon Raj Yoga”. There is no doubt, the person born in this Raj Yoga attains immense success in his life. He becomes wealthy and successful and will lead a life equivalent to a king.
  • The native will be close to his father and his father will have a great influence upon the native’s life. This is if the planet is a benefic planet.
  • The native will be very interested in learning and will progress in life by furthering his education in higher studies.
  • The native can have a strong inclination towards spirituality, dharma and religion. He will participate in various religious activities.
  • The native will be very fond of travelling. This is also a strong yoga for foreign settlement. Such natives can get great success in foreign lands.
  • It is generally said that the native will unlock his “Bhagya” or so called fate and fortune, the more he moves out of his comfort zone. This means, such natives should travel and move out of his home.
  • The native will have good comforts, will lead a luxurious life and will be wealthy and prosperous in his life.
  • This is also a strong yoga for fame, if Sun and the 10th house lord is strong in the birth chart, the native can become world famous.
  • The native will go for a religious pilgrimage or according to Vedic Astrology, natives having such position should go for a religious pilgrimage.
  • The father of the native will have a good social reputation. The native will gain his parental properties.
  • According shastras, if the ninth house is held by Lagnesh, the native would be a Vishnu worshiper.
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Sun as the lord of the 1st house sitting in the 9th house

  • If your ascendant sign is of Leo, then Sun becomes your 1st house lord. Sun sitting in the 9th house being the 1st house lord is a very strong position for Sun to be in.
  • In fact, this is an extremely powerful Raj Yoga, because Sun becomes exalted in the 9th house for Leo descendants in the sign of Aries. This is a very powerful position, and if you’d like, you can also wear the gemstone of Sun, Ruby and get the full benefits of this Raj Yoga lifelong.
  • The native will have a very influential father. He will benefit from his father and will get support from his father.
  • Sun from the 9th house aspects the 3rd house , thus, Sun here will make the native very hardworking, as the 3rd house is also the house of hard work. The native will be courageous.
  • The father of the native will be in a very strong position. He will have good status within the society. He will benefit from the native as well.
  • The native will Sun in the 9th house, will get very strong support from Bhagya or fate and fortune. The native makes an effort makes 2 steps and his Bhagya will help him move 10 steps ahead. Sun here becomes very supportive in terms of bhagya.
  • Such natives should make the best use of this Raj Yoga by working very hard in their life. There is no doubt, the native can become extremely successful in his lifetime.

Moon as the Lord of the 1st house sitting in the 9th house

  • Moon in the 9th house being the lord of the 1st house means that the native’s ascendant sign is Cancer.
  • A great position for Moon to be in the 9th house as the 9th house is ruled by the sign Pisces, which is a water sign. The native will be born “Bhagyawani” and will get very strong support from his bhagya or so called Fate and Fortune.
  • The native will get lots of benefits, comforts, and most importantly support from his mother. His mother will be the main person behind his success in his life.
  • Such natives should listen to the advice of the mother, or always respect and serve their mother, his Fortune will automatically unlock in their life.
  • If such natives are going to invest in anything, they should borrow some money from their mother, which can be anywhere between Rs 10 to Rs 1000, and make the investment after getting blessings from their Mother. The native will gain luck in investments.
  • The native will be very emotional in nature. Such natives face lots of emotional imbalances, but they are very creative in nature. The native can sometimes face confusion in their life.
  • However, the native will be able to become very successful in his lifetime. Whether it is his career or business, the natives will be able to rise to great heights and achieve great success and prosperity.
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Mars as the lord of the 1st house sitting in the 9th house

  • Mars in the 9th house is also a very auspicious position for Mars to be in. Mars from the 9th house directly aspects the 3rd house where Mars is a Karak planet in the 3rd house. Here, the native becomes extremely hardworking.
  • Such natives should regularly involve themselves into physical activities and most important they should actively use their bodily energies. By doing this, they instantly activate the 9th house and hence, their life will shine and they will start finding success easily in their life.
  • The native should not be lazy in his lifetime.
  • Mars in the 9th house is a very strong yoga and it makes the native born “Bhagyawani” or born Fortunate in his life. It will be much easier for the native to attain success and prosperity in his life, compared to others. As Mars here is in the sign of Sagittarius which is a fire sign.
  • The native will be very courageous, brave and strong willed. He will be very hardworking and physically very active in his life. He will love playing sports or doing any kind of physical activity.
  • Such natives have the comforts and luxuries of having properties, vehicles and houses in huge amount. They will also purchase lots of properties in their life.
  • It will be beneficial for the native if he spends his money on religious and dharmic active. Even if he participates in such activities, here Mars will bring even better results.
  • Here, Mars aspect on the 3rd house, means that the native will be the master of his own fate. He will achieve all of his success, wealth and prosperity in his life through his own self -efforts and hard work.
  • Such natives will also gain lots of wealth by doing work related to properties, land and real estate. They can also do very well in construction and building related jobs or businesses.

Mercury as the lord of the 1st house sitting in the 9th house

  • The native will be born “Bhagyawani” or so called born Fortunate as Mercury is the lord of the 1st house and is creating a relation with the 9th house. The Bhagya of the native will be very strong and the native no matter what he does, Fate and fortune will always support the native throughout his life.
  • Having such strong bhagya, the native will gain success wealth and prosperity in his life in every aspect of his life.
  • The native through his own self-efforts will attain immense success and will be able to reach to great heights in his life and career.
  • The native can do very well in business and he can become a very successful businessman.
  • The native will posses good communication and negotiation skills.
  • The native can benefit from businesses related to the use of speech or voice.
  • The native’s brothers and sisters will also benefit from the native.
  • Mercury in the 9th house also denotes that the native will successfully compete his higher education and the native will be intelligent.
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Jupiter as the lord of the 1st house sitting in the 9th house

  • Jupiter in the 9th house denotes that the native will be born to be a educator or a teacher. Even if he is not working in this profession, such natives have this unique skill of be able to teach others.
  • The native will be extremely intelligent and knowledgable.
  • While, Jupiter in the 9th house being the lord of the 1st house is an extremely strong position for Jupiter as here, the 9th house is the Karak house for Jupiter.
  • The native will be charismatic and will posses a very strong and influential personality. People will be easily attracted to the native due to this unique personality.
  • Jupiter here makes the Bhagya of the native so strong that the native won’t have to worry about getting success in his life. In whichever field, the native goes, he will get lots of success.
  • Especially, for such natives, it is very auspicious for them to work in the field of education. Even if they do businesses related to Jupiter or education, they can become very successful.
  • Even if Jupiter is retrograde, Jupiter here will still make the Bhagya of the native very strong.
  • The native will have good children, who will all become very successful in their life.

Venus as the lord of the 1st house sitting in the 9th house

  • Venus being the lord of the 1st house, sitting in the 9th house is also an extremely strong position. Here, the native will be born “Bhagyawani” and no matter what path he chooses, he will gain great success in his life.
  • Venus here brings lots of growth and prosperity in the life of the person. Such natives can be called “Maha Bhagyawan” as Venus here takes care of everything for the person.
  • The native will love to travel in his life and he will also travel to many foreign lands and foreign places. This is also a strong yoga for foreign settlement.
  • The native will be able to reach to great heights in his life and career. Such natives are seen to enjoy all sorts of comforts of life, including luxurious vehicles, houses and they do very well in their career as well.
  • Venus here, also makes the native very hardworking. Such natives can get great success in the fields of creative arts and creativity.
  • The native will marry the person whom they fall in love with without judging the background or ethnicity of the person. The native will have a peaceful and smooth married life, although, he/she will get a spouse who will have hot temper.

Saturn as the lord of the 1st house sitting in the 9th house

  • Saturn being the lord of the 1st house sitting in the 9th house denotes that the native will have a very strong bhagya or fate and fortune. The native will be born “bhagyawani”.
  • It will be very easy for the native to gain success and progress through his life and career. However, due to the nature of Saturn, the native may finally gain his ultimate success after the age of 36.
  • The native will be very hardworking in nature as Saturn from the 9th house directly aspects the 3rd house of hard work.
  • The native will gain good support from his brothers and sisters and also from his relatives.
  • The native will also have good health, and Saturn here protects the native from severe illnesses.
  • If Saturn is retrograde, then the good effects of Saturn becomes even more. The native will become ultra successful in his life.
  • The native can do very well in the field of government jobs. Careers related to government, media, communication, creativity, films are very much suitable for the native.

