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Vastu: In Which Direction Should You Keep your Shoes and Slippers 



Vastu: In which direction should you keep your shoes and slippers

We generally associate shoes with negative energy. This is because it contains a lot of dirt and germs. We often get confused as to where should we keep our used shoes such that it doesn’t affect the positive energy around us.

We often keep shoes in the wrong place, in the wrong direction, in the wrong rack, which neutralizes the positive energy in our house and affects us in a negative way. For example, the education of the children, the health of the members of the family, etc get negatively affected. 

Planetary association with shoes 

To understand which can be the right placement for our shoes or shoes rack. Firstly, we need to understand which are the planets that are related to shoes. Shoes are a very important part of our lives. It protects our feet from cuts wear and tear.

It also protects us from dirt, infection, and germs. Although shoes serve as a protection to our feat. Although, the germs and the dirt associated with it are  associated with negativity. Therefore, it should be placed in a place that will not affect our health, mind, and positivity of our house.

The main three planets associated with our legs and shoes are Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.

Saturn is the planet of discipline, hard work, and dedication. All our regular work requires the support of our legs. The bones are also associated with the planet Saturn. Ketu is the planet that controls the lower part of the body and Rahu serves as a protection.

Therefore, the energy of these three planets together is associated with our feet and shoes. These three planets are generally considered malefic planets which have a negative impact on our lives. Firstly, we should never receive shoes as a gift from someone as they will bring the energy of these three planets with them.

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We should also avoid gifting shoes to someone as it transfers the negative energy of these three planets to someone. Although, sometimes as an astrological remedy we can gift shoes to servants, workers, or poor individuals.

It is always advised to clean your shoes at regular intervals when we keep our shoes clean the malefic effects of Saturn and Rahu get neutralized. Therefore, proper placement and taking care of the shoes can have positive effects on us and it also has the ability to neutralize the malefic effects of the planets. 

Placement of shoes according to Vaastu 

According to Vaastu it is generally not recommended to keep the shoes in front of the main door. Although it can be difficult to keep the shoes rack somewhere else always from the main door. Upon entering from the main door, the left-hand side corner no matter in whichever direction it is in is considered to be the weak or negative placement for that direction.

This is the right placement to keep your shoes. Apart from that keep your shoe clan tidy. Remember not to keep old shoes and always arrange your shoes while keeping them. 

Try not to keep your shoes inside your bedroom. This will bring the malefic effects of the planets in your married life. Apart from that do not keep your shoes in the kitchen or near the temple also you are not supposed to keep your shoes near important documents or places of studying or else it will bring the malefic effects of these planets in these aspects of life. 

Placement of shoes according to the direction 

  • East is the direction of the Sun. It is a bad placement for your shoes. This is because the planets Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn are the enemy planets of the Sun. General effects of this placement will include mental issues and dissatisfaction within the family. The children will face mental dullness. The family generally will not be able to use their mind and there will be a mental blockage and depression within the house. If you have placed your shoes rack in the east direction and are facing such difficulties try to shift your shoes rack by a few feet. Although if you are not facing any such problems let your shoe rack, be as it is. 
  • If the shoe rack is placed in the southeast direction. You will see that there is a lack of peace at your place. You might get big opportunities in life but you can also notice financial disturbances or your money getting stuck. Or you might make a bad investment out of that money. You can also face problems related to the liver and gallbladder within your family. There can be a lack of sleep or frustration. As a solution, you must change the direction of the rack by a few feet and check the effects. 
  • If placed in the south direction, you will see that you will suffer from self-doubt and low self-confidence. You will have a lazy attitude towards life and will not take life seriously. You will also not be able to concentrate on your work and will continue changing your work. As a solution, you must change the direction of the rack by a few feet and check the effects. 
  • If placed in the southwest direction, keeping your shoes in the direction will affect your personal life and daily finance. Your life cost will increase and you will not be able to save money. There will be a lack of personal stability within your marriage. There can also be lung and heart-related problems. As a solution, you must change the direction of the rack by a few feet and check the effects. 
  • If placed in the west direction, according to Vaastu this is the right direction to keep your shoes. Although if you face symptoms like lack of stability, frequent change in jobs, blockages in perusing higher education, frustration, and other problems. You must realize that keeping the shoes in this direction is not suiting you and you must change the placement of the shoes rack by a few feet to get a positive result. 
  • If placed in the northwest, this is more or less a good position to keep the shoes but if you face problems like problems in your lower abdomen or not being able to repay your loans on time you need to understand that this direction is not suiting you well and you need to change the direction of the shoes. As a solution, you must change the direction of the rack by a few feet and check the effects. 
  • If placed in the north direction you will face problems related to kidneys and sugar. You will see that opportunities are not coming your way. You will see that there are problems related to your health. This indicates that this position of your shoe rack is not suited for you. As a solution, you must change the direction of the rack by a few feet and check the effects. 
