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Top 10 Yogas In Vedic Astrology




ॐ गंगणपतये नमो नम:

In Vedic Astrology, there are millions of Yogas or combinations of planets formed in the birth chart or Janam Kundli. Right from the famous Gaj Kesari Yoga, Panch Mahapurush Yogas that are some of the most common yogas seen, yet extremely auspicious and great yogas that can really change a person’s life and lead him into great fortune, wealth and success.

However, out of the millions of combinations, there are very few extremely rare yogas that can only be found in rare birth charts. These yogas are so rare that out of millions of people, only a few people are born with such Yogas. But those who are born in these rare yogas become extremely fortunate in life. They are blessed with the highest grace of Gods and Goddess and they are able to achieve a lot of success in life.

It is seen that such people who possess these rare yogas lead a life equivalent to a king!. They either gain special abilities, blessed with immense wealth or gain the opportunity and the wisdom that not only help them succeed in life but also they are able to do a lot of good for the society.

In simple, they become the messengers of God who are chosen to do good things for the society.

What are those rare yogas that are so special and auspicious?

We’ll discuss all of those yogas and how they are formed in this article.

So, without further ado, let’s start with the first one.

Top 10 Yogas In Vedic Astrology


How is Buddhamaturya Yoga formed in the Birth Chart?

Buddhamaturya Yoga is one of the rare Yogas in Vedic Astrology. As the name starts with “Budh” meaning intelligence and the planet Mercury. It is exactly what this yoga is all about. This auspicious rare Yoga BUDDHAMATURYA is formed when benefic planets Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Moon are in conjunction with any benefic planets or aspected by them. Additionally, the benefic planets should also be in the sign of the benefic planets and should not be debilitated, combustion(When a planet is with or near Sun, the planet gets combusted and loses it’s effect expect Mercury). These benefic planets must also. have a high score in the Shad Bala and Ashtak-Varga Bala.

The person who has Buddhamaturya Yoga will be blessed with outstanding unmatched intelligence. The person will have great wisdom, will be learned, bold like a lion, and fearless like a tiger. Such people are seen to have great charisma and personality and in their life, they also attain a lot of fame and prestige. These people have the capability to change the world and create such an influence in society that their name lasts for a thousand ages or decades.

Conditions for the formation of Buddhamaturya Yoga:

  • Only benefic Planets should be involved in the formation of this yoga.
  • The planets must not be aspected by any bad planets like Rahu, Ketu, Sun, or Mars.
  • The planets must not be combusted by Sun and debilitated.
  • The planets must-have aspects of a benefic planet or must be in conjunction with them.
  • The planets must be strong or the strongest in Shad Bala.

If all of these conditions apply in your birth chart then, the rare Buddhamaturya Yoga has successfully been formed in your birth chart.

2. Adhi Yoga

Adhi Yoga is another extremely rare yoga in Vedic Astrology. There are very few people who exactly get this Yoga in their Birth Chart or Janam Kundli. There is no doubt, the one who is born with this Yoga lives a life equivalent to a King, enjoys all comforts in life, and gains a lot of wealth and success. Additionally, the person also does a lot of social welfare and good deeds for society.

How is Adhi Yoga formed in the Birth Chart?

Adhi Yoga is formed when any of the three natural benefics that are Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, and Moon are occupying the 6th house, 8th house, and 12th house. There must be at least one benefic planet in each of these houses to form the Maha Raj Yoga, Adhi Yoga.

The person born with Adhi Yoga experiences a lot of success, wealth, and fame in his lifetime. The person will have great success in his career, gets a really high position in society, and will lead a life of a King. The person will get lots of property, homeland, vehicles and will be able to enjoy a lot of luxuries and comforts in his lifetime. He or she will never be devoid of wealth, however, if so, the person with his hard work and success will be able to a higher standard of living in his lifetime. That’s why Adhi Yoga is known as one of the biggest and the rarest Maha Raj Yogas of all time.

Conditions for the Adhi Yoga to be fully fruitful in a persons life:

  • There must be benefic planets in the 6th house, 8th house, and 12th house.
  • The 6th house, 8th house, and 12th house must not have any malefic planets or the benefic planets that are in these houses must not be in conjunction with Rahu, Ketu, Sun, or Mars.
  • The benefic planets must not be aspected by Rahu, Ketu, Sun, or Mars.
  • The benefic planets must also be the Karaka planets for the lagan.
See also  Effects of 3rd House Lord in the 6th House | Lords in Different Houses


To know more about Adhi Yoga in great Detail, check this article out.

Article: Adhi Yoga: Do You Have One of the Biggest Maha Rajyoga in Your Birth Chart?

3. Akhand Samrajya Raj Yoga

How is Akhand Samrajya Raj Yoga formed in the Birth Chart?

The Akhand Samrajya Raj Yoga is a very rare Raj Yoga yet extremely auspicious and can make the person very fortunate and lucky in his lifetime. It is formed when Jupiter rules the 5th house or is the lord of the 5th house or 11th house in the Birth Chart, while from the Moon chart, the lord of the 2nd house, 9th house, and 11th house are placed either in Kendra houses(1,4,7,10) or Trikona houses(1,5,9). These planets must be in a strong position that is either in their own sign or the sign of exaltation. Also, the placement of Jupiter who should be the lord of the 5th house must also occupy either the 5th house, 2nd house, or 11th house.

The person who is born with Akhand Samrajya Raj Yoga becomes very wealthy and powerful in his lifetime. He/she gets the opportunity to attain a very high position in society gaining lots of fame and followers. Such a person will be have a lot of sources of Income, will be able to accumulate a lot of wealth, and will be highly educated. The person will lead a very prosperous life and will be extremely fortunate in terms of wealth and success.

Conditions for the complete fruitfulness of the Akhand Samrajya Raj Yoga:

  • Jupiter must either be in the 2nd, 5th, or 11th house while the lord of the 2nd, 9th, and 11th house must be in Kendra Houses or Trikona houses.
  • Or, Jupiter must either rule the 5th or 11th house while the lords of the 2nd, 9th and 11th houses are in Kendra or Trikona.
  • The planets in the 2nd house, 9th house, and 11th house must be in their own sign or must be exalted.
  • The planets must not be debilitated or aspected by malefic planets like Rahu and Ketu.
  • The planets must also be strongly placed in the Navamsa Chart.

4. Daivatva Yoga

Daivatva Yoga is another rare Yoga that can completely change a person’s life. It is the Yoga that is responsible for taking a person to great heights and success through education and fortune. The person becomes extremely fortunate, hardworking and will be able to enjoy all the peace and comforts in life.

How is Daivatva Yoga formed in the Birth Chart?

Daivatva Yoga is formed when planets are exalted in the Kendra Houses (1,4,7,10) or Trikonas (1,5,9) while there are benefic planets in the 1st house, 5th house, and 9th houses. These planets must not be affected by Rahu or Ketu or any other malefic planets like Mars and Sun. They must also not be combusted by Sun or aspected by Sun, Mars, Ketu, or Rahu.

Conditions for forming Daivatva Yoga to fully give its strong results.

  • The planets must be exalted in Kendra houses.
  • The 5th house and the 9th house must have benefic planets like Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Moon.
  • These planets must not be aspected or in conjunction with Malefic planets like Rahu, Ketu, Sun, or Mars.
  • If the planets in the 5th house and 9th house are exalted and if they are main Karaka of the birth chart or Janam Kundli, the Yoga becomes even more prominent and fruitful.

5. Rudrasana Yoga

This yoga is a very special in Vedic Astrology that is also very rare and only a few people have the luck to be born with this Yoga. If such a person who is born with Rudrasana Yoga becomes ultra-successful in his lifetime. The person becomes very wealthy right from birth, he will be able to enjoy all the comforts, peace, and happiness in his lifetime and it is also said that such people will rule the whole world. In today’s day and age, the person born with Rudrasana Yoga will gain worldly fame and will rule the entire world.

How is Rudrasana Yoga formed in the Birth Chart?

Rudrasana Yoga is formed when there are exalted planets in the 6th house, 8th house and 12th house while the 1st house lord of Lagan lords are ruled by the Leo or Aquarius Zodiac Signs.

Conditions for forming Rudrasana to fully give its strong results:

  • The exalted planets must be the Karaka Planets for Leo or Aquarius ascendants.
  • The planets must not be aspected by malefic planets.
  • The Yoga becomes even stronger if the benefic planets aspect these planets in 6th house, 8th house, or 12th house.

6. Panch Mahapurush Yoga

The Panch Mahapurush Yoga is one of the most auspicious Yogas in Vedic Astrology. It is known to be the Yoga representing “5 Great Men” which is Panch Mahapurush. It is an extremely high-level Yoga and the person who has any one of the Panch Mahapurush Yoga is born to be a king or equivalent to one. (This is actually how powerful Panch Mahapurush Yoga is!). The 5 Great Men signifies the 5-star planets namely Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. According to the Vedic Scriptures, the Planet when it comes under the influence of Panch Mahapurush Yoga gets ultimate strength, strength at its maximum level, and that is the reason why it is deemed to be a really high-level Yoga.

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Yet people today, get misguided and mislead by the fact that it is very easy to read and find Panch Mahapurush Yoga in a Birth Chart.

How is Panch Mahapurush Yoga formed in the Birth Chart?

Panch Mahapurush Yoga is formed in the Birth Chart when any one of the star planets namely Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn is situated in the Kendra Houses (1,4,7,10) in its own sign or exalted sign.

There are five kinds of Panch Mahapurush Yogas.

  1. Ruchak Yoga (By Mars, formed when Mars is in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10) in its own sign or exalted sign).
  2. Bhadra Yoga (By Mercury, formed when Mercury is in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10) in its own sign or exalted sign)
  3. Malavya Yoga (By Venus, formed when Venus is in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10) in its own sign or exalted sign)
  4. Hamsa Yoga (By Jupiter, formed when Jupiter is in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10) in its own sign or exalted sign)
  5. Sasa Yoga (By Saturn, formed when Saturn is in Kendra houses (1,4,7,10) in its own sign or exalted sign)

If you want to know more about Panch Mahapurush Yoga, Check this article which explains Yoga in Great Detail.

7. Gaj Kesari Yoga

Gaj Kesari Yoga is one of Vedic Astrology Most Important and Most Powerful Yogas. Gaj Kesari Yoga blesses the native with immense prosperity in life. The native becomes intellectually very intelligent and they will always be loved and respected in society. If you meet a person with Gaj Kesari Yoga, you can easily tell that that person has Gaj Kesari Yoga by the way he is able to pull in people with his magnetic intellectual aura and attractiveness.

Because Moon is our “Mind” while Jupiter is the “Ultimate Knowledge” and the planet that responsible for massive expansion. If the Mind gets influenced by Jupiter, there is no doubt, the person will have the type of mind that is so advanced, full of wisdom, spirituality, knowledge, and such people are able to think beyond what normal humans can think of. However, to get the fruitful benefits of Gaj Kesari Yoga, one has to remember that he can only get the full benefits by doing good for society. By using the blessings of Gaj Kesari Yoga to improve oneself, spiritually, intellectually, and financially and serving one’s family and children.

How is Gaj Kesari Yoga formed in the Birth Chart?

Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed in the Birth Chart when Jupiter is in Kendra from Moon. This means that from the Moon Chart, Jupiter should be situated in any one of the Kendra houses that is (1,4,7,10). The Gaj Kesari Yoga is formed.

8. Laxmi Yoga and Maha Laxmi Yoga

Laxmi Yoga is one of the most auspicious Raj Yoga in Vedic Astrology as the one who has this Yoga will never be deprived of wealth in his lifetime. The Luck of Wealth will always stay with the native and that is the blessings of Goddess Laxmi upon the Native.

However, this doesn’t mean that the person will become super-rich by doing nothing. Since Laxmi Yoga happens with the involvement of the 9th house, the person has to work hard and do his “Karma” or “Karam” in order to activate the blessings of the Laxmi Yoga. Because remember, some people put in 100% effort in their work and still receive just pennies for their hard work. While some the same effort of hard work and receive 10 times the amount of money and rewards from their hard work. All I have to say is that hard work is what really activates wealth and it is even said in the Vedic Scriptures that “Goddess Laxmi is forced and obliged to give wealth to the person who works hard”.

How is Laxmi Yoga Formed in the birth chart?

Laxmi Yoga is formed when the lord of the 9th house sits in Kendra or Trikona houses in a strong position meaning in its own sign or exalted. Moreover, for the Laxmi Yoga to be fully fruitful, the Lord of the 9th house should also be aspected or with benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus, Moon, or Mercury.

Maha Laxmi Yoga

There is even a higher level Yoga called Maha Laxmi Yoga that gives the person abundance of wealth, fame and prospertiy. The person who has this Yoga is given with the biggest blessings of Goddess Laxmi, hence such a native, if he dreams to be rich and wealthy, there is no doubt, the person will be extremely capable of becoming very Wealthy in Life.

Contrary to Laxmi Yoga can also make a person Millionaire or Multi-Millionaire, but the person may have to work hard, use his talents to achieve that Goal. However, with Maha Laxmi Yoga, the person has and will have the potential to be extremely wealthy..

How is Maha Laxmi Yoga Formed in the birth chart?

Maha Laxmi Yoga is formed in the birth chart when the Lagnesh, or the lord of the 1st house sits in the 5th house or 9th house, while the lord of the 2nd house sits in the 11th house, then Maha Laxmi Yoga is formed in the Birth chart. Additionally, the 2nd house should also be aspected by benefic planets like Mercury, Venus, Moon, or Jupiter.

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9. Nav Laxmi Yoga

There are no words for this Yoga, except one word which is “King”, the one who has this Yoga, will be the owner of the biggest wealth in the world. He will be blessed by Goddess Laxmi at the greatest abundance. It is one of the biggest Mahan Raj Yoga that is rarely ever seen in any person’s birth chart.

However, the one who has it becomes extremely rich. Imagine people who don’t have the problem of earning wealth, but they have the problem of spending their wealth. It brings such kind of wealth to the person and makes the person extremely fortunate.

This Yoga is so rare and so powerful that it can be only formed by two planets, that is Mars and Jupiter and in only two conditions.

  1. When Mars is in the 4th house.
  2. When Jupiter is in the 7th house.

How is Nav Laxmi Yoga Formed in the birth chart?

According to Shastras, Nav Laxmi Yoga is formed when the Lord of the 11th house sits in the Kendra Houses, that is 1st house, 4th house, 7th house, and 10th house, and looking or aspecting its own house that is 11th house while sitting in the Kendra house. And the 9th house lord should be situated in the 9th house itself. While the lord of the 1st house should be in the 11th house. This creates the most auspicious Mahan Yoga called Nav Laxmi Yoga.

Which means this is only possible with two planets, Mars and Jupiter.

Mars in the 4th house in Capricorn Lagan or ascendant.

Here, Mars is the lord of the 11th house (as the 11th house is in the sign of Scorpio and Mars is the sign lord of Scorpio). Mars is situated in the 4th house which is a Kendra house. While Mars is looking at its own house, that is the 11th house (Scorpio) with its 8th aspect. Additionally, as we discussed, Lagan Lord or 1st house lord should be in the 11th house and the 9th house lord should be in the 9th house itself.

Similarly, when Jupiter is in the 7th house in Aquarius Lagan or ascendant.

Here, Jupiter is the lord of the 11th house ((as the 11th house is in the sign of Sagittarius and  Jupiter is the sign lord of Sagittarius). Jupiter is positioned in the 7th house which is a Kendra house. Jupiter with its 5th aspect, aspects the 11th house which is its own house that is the 11th house. Additionally, as we discussed, Lagan Lord or 1st house lord should be in the 11th house and the 9th house lord should be in the 9th house itself.

10. Chandra Mangal Yoga

Chandra Mangal Yoga is one of the most known and popular Yogas in Vedic Astrology. It is not very rare like the Nav Laxmi Yoga and other rare Yogas as this Yoga happens when the planets Moon and Mars are positioned together in a single house. This Yoga is also formed when the Moon and Mars aspect each other with their 7th aspect. It is also known to be as Mahabhagyawan yoga as it makes the native extremely fortunate in life. 

Why Chandra Mangal Yoga?

It is said that Moon is our mind, emotions and Moon is also a planet that gives wealth. While Mars is a vitality, energy, life-force, aggressiveness, and hard-work. We all know that planets that aspect the Moon causes our mind to be like that planet. For example, if Venus aspects Moon, the person becomes very much romantic and loves luxury, while if Saturn aspects Moon, the person becomes cold, bold, and hardworking and enjoys discipline. Which is the reason why when Rahu aspects Moon, A Grahan yoga is formed that causes a lot of trouble in the mind and life of the person. 

But in contrast to that, if the Mind is influenced by Mars that is Vitality, energy, and hard work, there is no doubt, the person will be one of the most hard-working people in the world. Such people tend to be able to work for 11 to 15 hours a day and still make time for extra work that they can possibly do during the day. They are fueled by so much energy that they never lose passion at work. Because working for long hours can deplete your mood, energy, and the ability to work more. This is the reason why they are able to achieve a lot of success in their life. 

However, this is one of the most auspicious Yogas in Vedic Astrology, however, it also comes with some difficulties and challenges. Mars is a crud planet and even though it gives amazing qualities like Courage, bravery, and hard work to the person, it also makes the person have less emotional control, it can make him aggressive and angry. It is seen that due to this reason, people with Chandra Mangal yoga, normally face difficulties with family members, mother, stress, and other issues.


