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Moon in All 12 Houses for Cancer Ascendants




Cancer Ascendant is one of the most mysterious and elusive signs in Vedic Astrology. Often described as the “hidden sign”, Cancer Ascendant is associated with intuition, psychic ability, and a deep understanding of the emotions. Those who are born with Cancer Ascendant tend to be natural healers, and their compassionate nature often allows them to see beyond the surface of things. Cancer Ascendant is also said to be a sign of great spiritual power, and many who are born under this sign go on to become spiritual leaders or teachers. However, Cancer Ascendant can also be a challenging sign, and those who have it are often faced with emotional turmoil and difficult life decisions. But for all its challenges, Cancer Ascendant is a powerful and intriguing sign.

Cancer Ascendant is a very unique ascendant because, the three Trikons are all ruled by the water element. This is the main reason why, Cancer ascendants are often very emotional people.

Karak and Akarak planets for Cancer Ascendants:

Moon is the most important planet for Cancer ascendants as Moon rules over the 1st house for Cancer ascendants.

While Mars and Jupiter are also Karak planets for Cancer Ascendants as they rule over the 5th house and the 9th house respectively.

Saturn is a Marak planet for Cancer Ascendants as Saturn rules over the 7th house and 8th house.

Moon for Cancer Ascendants

Moon is a very important planet in Vedic Astrology. Moon represents the mind, our thoughts, emotions and imagination. Moon is the planet of comfort and pleasure. It signifies mother, home, family life, domestic happiness etc. Moon also indicates our capacity for adaptation and change. Moon reflects our unconscious mind, our habits, desires and instincts. Moon is a very important planet in Vedic Astrology as it plays an important role in determining our karma and destiny. Moon is Kara planet of the 4th house in Vedic Astrology which signifies mother, home, happiness etc. Moon is a very benefic planet and it gives good results if well placed in horoscope but it can give adverse results if ill placed in horoscope.

Moon is the only planet in Vedic astrology that can be both a benefic planet as well as a malefic planet. Moon is the lord of the 1st house for Cancer ascendants which relates to known as the “house of self”. It represents our physical bodies, our personality and our ego. The 1st house also represents our beginnings, both in this life and in past lives. Our 1st house shows our potential, our raw energy and our potential for growth.

Moon is a very important planet as we all know, it represents our mind. Moon gets afflicted or weak when it gets afflicted by planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn. When Moon is with Saturn or aspected by Saturn, it creates a inauspicious yoga called “Vish Yoga” which creates lots of troubles in the life of the native. Similarly, Moon when aspected or in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu creates “Chandra Grahan Yoga” which again brings lots of troubles in the life of the native. The native will constantly face mental disturbances and troubles throughout his lifetime.

However, lets not forget the good yogas formed by Moon. Moon when it is aspected by Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or Mars or in conjunction with these planets, makes Moon brings very auspicious results to the native. The native becomes very successful and prosperous in his lifetime. He thinks good for others and will always find support from his “Bhagya” or so called fate and fortune.

Moon in the 1st house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 1st house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 1st house for Cancer Ascendant

In Vedic Astrology, the 1st house is known as the house of self. It is the most important house in a person’s chart, and it represents the individual’s sense of identity. The 1st house is also associated with physical appearance, health, and vitality.The 1st house is a pivotal point in a person’s birth chart, and it can offer insights into their personality, destiny, and potential.

Moon in the 1st house is a very strong position for Moon to be in as Moon here sits in the sign of Cancer which is the Mool Trikon sign of Moon itself. Moon here gains lots of strength, however, there are still some weaknesses that the native can face due to this position of Moon.

The native will be a dreamer, will possess immense imagination and creative potential. The native will also be very emotional and soft-hearted.

Such natives are very sensitive in nature and even if a Man possesses this position of Moon, he can cry for small things in life. This doesn’t mean, the native has a weak mind, he is just very sensitive and the quality of caring and nurturing comes into the personality of the native.

The native with Moon in the 1st house can be very loyal and good friends. Such natives are easily influenced by others. They are so warm hearted that they willing to give up and damage themselves if that saves a person’s misery or problems.

This is the specialty as well as the weakness of Moon being in the 1st house. Such natives blindly trust others, which is a good thing in some cases, however, they should always protect their trust and never give their trust to people who are bad.

However, the native due to his nature and personality, will rise to great heights in the society. He will earn great respect, status and honor. He will also be wealthy and rich in his lifetime.

The native can be a little lazy or face the problem of laziness in his life.

To take the full benefits of this position of Moon, the natives can wear the Gemstone of Moon which is “Moti” or Moon stone. By wearing the Moonstone, the native will experience lots of benefits including stronger mental state, increase in creative and imaginative power, stability in mind, stability in health and much much more.

Moon in the 2nd house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 2nd house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 2nd house for Cancer Ascendant

In Vedic Astrology, the 2nd house is known as the house of wealth. This is because this house represents our material possessions and resources. The 2nd house also governs our speech and communication. Therefore, this house is associated with our ability to express ourselves and our capacity for creative self-expression.

Moon in the 2nd house is a very auspicious position for Moon to be in. As Moon is the lord of the ascendant and is sitting in the 2nd house brings benefic results to the native.

The native gain inheritance and inherited properties in massive amounts. He will be very rich and wealthy in his lifetime.

Even if the native doesn’t get inheritance, his father will have his own business or work, which the native will carry on and grow in his life. From, which the native will earn his wealth and money.

The native will have a pleasant voice through which he will be able to influence others.

The native can be short-tempered. Such natives can get angry for things that don’t matter.

The native will be disciplined and will have the ability to work hard in his life. He will influence others to also take the path of discipline and perseverance.

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Because the elements of the Moon sign which is Leo and Ascendant Sign which is water do not match, the native can face problems with himself. Many times, the native can uselessly get angry upon himself.

The native can also face the problem of laziness. Such natives can be lazy.

However, if Moon is weak, even though the native thinks good for others, the native’s voice will be affected due to which, he may talk rudely with others unintentionally which can create enemies in his life.

Moon in the 3rd house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 3rd house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 3rd house for Cancer Ascendant

In Vedic Astrology, the 3rd house is associated with courage, self-will, and initiative. It is also said to represent the mental and emotional state of a person. This house is also associated with travel, both physical and mental. The 3rd house represents expansion and growth. This house also represents one’s ability to communicate and understand others.

Moon being the lord of the 1st house and sitting in the 3rd house is a very strong position for Moon to be in. As we know, the ascendant lord, whichever house, the ascendant lord sits it, it brings growth, prosperity and expansion to things related to that house.

Here in our case, the 3rd house is the house of hard work, courage and willpower. The first thing to notice is that the native will be a person of strong will and he will be very hard working in his lifetime.

The native’s brothers and sisters will grow and be very successful in their lifetime.

The native will be fortunate and so called “Bhagyawani” as Moon from the 3rd house directly aspects the 9th house of Bhagya or fate and fortune. Here Moon brings growth and success in the career of the native.

It is imporant to check the condition of Moon before analyzing the results. He if Moon is a malefic planet that is if Moon weak or afflicted by Rahu, Ketu, or Saturn, then the native will find success, however, he may have to face lots of challenges and obstacles in his career and life to gain success.

To take the full benefits of Moon, one can wear the Gemstone of Moon which is Moon stone. By wearing the Moon stone, one will experience stability in mind, sharpness in mind, better health and most importantly upliftment in the native’s capability to work hard in his life.

Moon in the 4th house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 4th house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 4th house for Cancer Ascendant

The 4th house in Vedic Astrology is known as the “house of comforts and mother”. It represents our innermost sanctuary – a place where we feel safe, loved, and supported. This is the archetypal home, where we can retreat from the world and recharge our batteries. The 4th house also represents our mother, or the female principle in our lives. This is the energy that nurtures and sustains us, providing a soft place to land when we need it. In short, the 4th house is all about feeling at home in the world – both physically and emotionally.

Moon in the 4th house is in the sign of Libra where Moon can be a little weak. As the next sign is Scorpio where Moon completely becomes weak and debilitated.

However, Moon in the 4th house, if not afflicted by planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, Moon here will give the native all the comforts, peace, happiness, wealth and prosperity to the native.

The native will be able to live a very comfortable and peaceful life, and he will also gain lots of support from his mother. His mother will be the most important person in his life.

However, if Moon is weak, afflicted or is a malefic planet, then the native will experience lots of arguments and fights in the house. The native will create disturbances in the home environment and there will be constant turmoil in his home. The native will also be very lazy as such natives will not be able to complete their work in time.

The negative effects of Moon will only be valid if Moon is afflicted by Rahu, Ketu or Saturn. If Moon is aspected or with benefic planets like Jupiter, Venus or Mercury, then Moon here brings very auspicious results to the native. In fact, the native will be able to own lots of luxurious properties, land, and will be able to lead a very comfortable and luxurious lifestyle.

Moon in the 5th house for Cancer Ascendant

The 5th house in Vedic Astrology is associated with creativity, self-expression, and enjoyment. It is also said to represent the “inner child” – the part of us that is free from worry and care. This is the house of fun and playfulness, and it is where we can let our hair down and enjoy life. The 5th house is also associated with romance, love, and attraction. In general, this is a very positive and optimistic house, and it is said to bring good fortune to those who have a strong 5th house in their charts.

Moon in the 5th house for Cancer Ascendant is a weak position for Moon to be in as Moon here becomes debilitated in the sign of Scorpio. However, one thing to note here is that, Moon becomes debilitated up until 3 degrees in Scorpio. After 3 degrees, Moon gets out of the debilitated state. Moon is still weak but it will not give bad results if it gets out of debilitation.

If Mars is in a friendly state or in a good position in the birth chart, especially if Mars is aspecting Moon from any position in the birth chart, then here Moon will actually give good results.

Moon here even if it is strongly positioned, aspected by benefic planets like Jupiter, Mercury or Venus, the native will still experience mental disturbances and his mind will be disturbed throughout his life because Moon is still in its debilitation state.

Moon here also creates a very auspicious Raj Yoga called “Kendra Trikon Raj Yoga”. The native born in this raj yoga will be intelligent, knowledgeable, full of wisdom and his mind will be very sharp. He will be able to achieve great success in his life and career while, he will also be very wealthy and rich in his lifetime. He will earn all of his wealth though his intelligence and knowledge.

To reduce the negative effects of Moon and make your Moon strong, one can wear the Gemstone of Moon which is Moti or Moon stone. By wearing the Moon stone, mental disturbances caused by weak Moon will be reduced. One will experience stability in mind, and one’s creative potential will also expand.

Moon in the 6th house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 6th house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 6th house for Cancer Ascendant

In Vedic astrology, the 6th house is known as the house of enemies. It is the house of competition, disagreements, and conflicts. This is the house of self-examination and purification. The 6th house is ruled by the planet Saturn. The 6th house lord is concerned with our health, work, duties, and responsibilities. He teaches us about our limitations and encourages us to overcome them.

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Moon in the 6th house is in the sign of Sagittarius where Moon will be energized by the fire element. Here, there is a clash between the elements of Moon sign and ascendant sign, due to which, the native will face problems in his personality.

The native’s core personality is such that he is soft-hearted, who thinks good for others, speaks softly and calmly. However, his mind doesn’t accept that due to which, the native can face the huge of problem controlling one’s anger and short-temperedness.

The native will have a character and speak in such a way, that sometimes, his words disrupt relationship in his life.

The 1st house lord sitting in the 6th house creates “Ava Yoga” where in life, the native has to struggle and work very hard. This yoga makes the native face great struggles and challenges in his lifetime.

However, Moon in the 6th house gives lots of strength, courage and willpower to the native. If Jupiter is also strong in the birth chart, then the native will be very courageous. All the challenges and obstacles that life brings upon the native, the native will fearlessly be able to overcome them. But the native will have to work hard in life, as Ava Yoga is being formed in the birth chart.

The mother of the native may face health issues, while the native may not have a good relationship with his mother. However, this negative effect of Moon becomes more if Moon is afflicted in the birth chart by Rahu or Ketu or Saturn.

However, if the native disrespects his mother, the native will face lots of health issues and illnesses in his lifetime. Such native should never disrespect his mother and should always serve her.

Moon in the 7th house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 7th house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 7th house for Cancer Ascendant

In Vedic astrology, the 7th house is known as the house of relationships. This house represents all our one-on-one interactions, including our closest personal relationships such as marriage and business partnerships. The 7th house also governs our sexual relations and reveals how we relate to others on a physical, emotional and mental level. Our attitude towards commitment, loyalty and trust is also reflected in this house.

Moon in the 7th house brings good and bad results to the native. Moon here can bring inauspicious results to the native in terms marriage and married life.

Moon from the 7th house directly aspects its own house which is the 1st house and this is a good position of Moon as it brightens the personality of the native.

However, if Moon is afflicted or aspected or with planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn, then the married life of the native will be problematic. Venus and Moon are both female planets and these two planets destroy the 7th house if they are alone in the 7th house.

The native will be lazy if Moon if Afflicted in the 7th house. Especially, if Saturn is also aspecting the 1st house.

The natural will become sick with a cough and an eye disease.

The native is successful in his work and shows a great desire to increase his wealth. However, of Moon is weak, then the native will face problems in his work, business and career.

Moon in the 8th house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 8th house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 8th house for Cancer Ascendant

The 8th house in Vedic Astrology is associated with transformation, death, and rebirth. It is also considered the most mystical and mysterious house, as it deals with hidden knowledge and the unseen forces that shape our lives. The 8th house represents our shadow side, the part of ourselves that we keep hidden from the world. It is where we deal with our fears, secrets, and desires. This house also governs our sexuality, and our ability to create and transform.

Moon in the 8th house is a good position for Moon to be in as Moon doesn’t get the negative effects of 6th, 8th or 12th houses.

Moon here will make the native very spiritual in his lifetime.

However, Moon is the Lagnesh or the ascendant lord and is sitting in the 8th house. This directly tells us that the native will have or suffer from health problems. The native will be suffer from diseases related to cold, cough, cold related, pneumonia, flu types of diseases. Diseases brought by Moon are light and generally not life threatening.

However, the native will have to work very hard in his lifetime. In order to earn, wealth, money and livelihood, the native will have to struggle and work harder than others to bring food to the table.

The native, if he works for others, their business or work will thrive, however, when it comes to running one’s own business or projects, the native will face lots of problems, obstacles on the way to completion.

However, if there are aspects of benefic planets on the 8th house, the native will be very spiritual and dharmic. He will take the path of spirituality and will participate in spiritual activities. The native will also be knowledgeable, intelligent and full of wisdom. The native will be rich and wealthy in his lifetime.

Moon in the 9th house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 9th house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 9th house for Cancer Ascendant

The 9th house is one of the most important houses in Vedic Astrology. It is often considered the house of luck, fortune, and karma. This house represents the higher mind, our connection to the divine, and our ability to live a life of purpose and meaning. The 9th house also governs our spiritual beliefs and philosophies. This is the house of Dharma, or our moral code.

Moon in the 9th house is a very strong position for Moon to be in. Here Moon is the lord of the 1st house and is sitting in the 9th house where it creates a very auspicious “Kendra Trikon Raj Yoga“. The native born in the yoga will be wealthy, rich and prosperous in his lifetime. He will be successful and will be able to lead and comfortable and luxurious life, equivalent to that of a King.

However, the mind of the native will be very unstable. As the ascendant lord is of water element and the Moon sign is also water element, but it’s Pisces. The native will face confusion in his mind and will suffer from mental instability. He thoughts will be unstable.

But despite of that, the native is very fortunate in his lifetime or so called “Bhagyawani”. This yoga can itself be called “Maha Bhagya Yoga”. The native will gain lots of success in his lifetime. He will be able to achieve his dreams and wishes and will lead a very successful and prosperous life.

The native will never have to worry about money or facing a life situation where the native is on the edge of poverty.

Fate and fortune will always support the native and he will gain lots of opportunities in his lifetime to gain success.

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To take the full benefits of Moon, one can wear the Gemstone of Moon which is Moti or Moon Stone. By wearing the moon stone, the native will gain numerous benefits, one of which is that his 9th house will be strong or “Bhagya” will be strengthened. While, the native will be able to have a stable mind, his mental abilities will improve and he will be much calmer.

Moon in the 10th house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 10th house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 10th house for Cancer Ascendant

The 10th house in Vedic Astrology is associated with one’s career and public image. This house represents how we are seen by the world, and our reputation. It also reveals our ambitions and how we can achieve success.

Moon in the 10th house is a very auspicious position for Moon to be in. Here Moon being the lord of the 1st house and is sitting in the 10th house is a very powerful position for Moon to be in. Moon here gives very positive results.

Even if the native is born in a poor family, the native will rise to great heights in his life. He will become very successful in his career and profession and will become very wealthy and rich in his lifetime.

The native will be earn his wealth and money through his work or profession. The native will quickly grow in life and will be wealthy throughout his lifetime.

However, the native will have a very short-tempered personality. The native gets angry really fast, however, he does cool down fast as well.

The native will lack patience and will face the problem of impatience.

The native will not be aware of how he speaks to others. While, he may or may not know, but unintentionally, he may be offending others due to his speaking style and that is due to the energy of Aries affecting his Moon sign. This is the reason why, such natives should be very careful with their speech and words. They should talk less, and instead take action.

The native will gain great success in his career and work profession.

To gain the full benefits of Moon, one can wear the Gemstone of Moon which is Moti or Moon Stone. By wearing the Moon stone, one will benefit greater and faster career success, opportunities, better mental strength and increase in creative potential.

Moon in the 11th house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 11th house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 11th house for Cancer Ascendant

The 11th house is one of the most important houses in Vedic Astrology. It is associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance. In addition, the 11th house represents our hopes and dreams. When we look at our birth chart, the 11th house can give us insight into what we are here to accomplish in this lifetime. If you have planets in your 11th house, it is an indication that you have the potential to achieve great things and most importantly wealth. The 11th house is a powerful indicator of our potential for success and happiness in this lifetime.

Moon in the 11th house is a very powerful position for Moon to be in. As Moon here is in the sign of Taurus where Moon gains lots of strength. Moon here becomes exalted or very strong in the sign of Taurus and gives very auspicious results to the native.

Moon here also creates a “Dhan Yoga” where the native born in Dhan Yoga will be blessed with lots of wealth and money in his lifetime. Such natives have the potential to earn and gain lot of wealth in their life.

As the 11th house is the house of wealth, Moon positioned strongly in the 2nd house indicates that the native will never have to worry about wealth and money in his lifetime. Throughout his life, the native will earn and accumulate wealth. He will have various sources of wealth and wealth will always come into the life of the person through different means.

However, since Moon is in the 11th house, the native may face instability in the flow of wealth or money. In some months, the native can make more money, while in some months, the native will make less money. The flow of wealth into his life will never be stable, however, the native will be very wealthy and rich in his lifetime.

The native will have the ability or skill to be a master at finances, or creating wealth. Such natives can be excellent businessmen or financial advisors.

To gain the full benefits of Moon, one can wear the Gemstone of Moon, Moti or Moon stone. By wearing the Moon stone, one can activate the auspicious good effects of the 11th house and make it stronger. Which results in increase in wealth, money and prosperity in one’s lifetime. One will also find that by wearing the Moon stone, one will have better mental health and stability, increase in mental capabilities and creative potential.

Moon in the 12th house for Cancer Ascendant

Moon in the 12th house for Cancer Ascendant
Moon in the 12th house for Cancer Ascendant

In Vedic astrology, the 12th house is known as the “house of loss.” It represents all that is hidden, out of sight, or mystical. This includes things like our spiritual journey, reincarnation, and karma. The 12th house also governs our subconscious mind, which can sometimes be difficult to understand or control. This is why the 12th house is often associated with mystery and the unknown. While the 12th house can be a source of confusion or frustration, it can also be a place of great wisdom and insight.

Moon in the 12th house is a weak position for Moon to be in. Here Moon is in the sign of Gemini where Moon gives good results, however, Moon is still in the 12th house which is the house of losses.

Here the native can move to a foreign land or the native may have to leave his hometown and settle in abroad or foreign lands.

Moon here will make the native very dharmic and religious.

The native will gain the good effects of Moon so as long as he takes care of his mother, his home, and family. Even if the native moves abroad, he should take care of his family from there, as it will make his Moon strong.

However, if Moon is weak in the birth chart or if Moon gets afflicted by planets like Rahu, Ketu or Saturn then the native will face lots of mental disturbances and troubles. The native can face health problems in his lifetime. These can include problems in eyes, and cold related diseases. While, the native will have lots of enemies in his life who will disturb the native.

If Moon is weak, then the native will face problems in saving money. The native will make lots of effort to save money, but due to various life challenges and obstacles, he will have to spend money.

The negative effects of Moon becomes worse if Moon is weak or afflicted.

