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Sun in all 12 houses for Cancer Ascendant



Sun in all 12 houses for Cancer Ascendant

Cancer Ascendant, a very special zodiac sign, and according to Vedic Astrology, Cancer ascendant is the only zodiac sign where no planets give completely bad results. It’s almost like a blessing to be born in Cancer Ascendant. Cancer ascendants have a glow, energy or aura upon their face which makes even the fierce of the fierce kneel down upon the soft and calm personality of Cancer people. They are extremely special and unique people who are often very lazy too.

Natives born in Cancer Ascendant are very emotional people. They care a lot about others and they are willing to do anything to help them and comfort others. Love is one word that is linked to their personality and whenever you are near a Cancerian, you’ll always find love. Moon is the planet that rules over their zodiac sign, hence Cancer Ascendant people are very imaginative. They are day dreamers of this era and their imaginative power is very strong. They are born with amazing talents that makes them very unique and special. Spirituality, Dharma, Religion are some aspects of life that they are born to follow and put their hand into. They don’t have to learn to be spiritual or religious at all as by birth, this quality is instilled within them. Cancer ascendants are seen to excel in almost every fields of life, whether it is government, politics, business, or job. The reason for it is because whatever they do, they do it with their full heart. They don’t think about, how much they are going to gain by putting others down, infact, they help others, and this is the reason why, they become so successful. Cancer ascendant people are born to serve and help others in need.

Sun for Cancer Ascendants

Sun is one of the most important planets in Vedic Astrology. Sun represents our father, authority, government, high positions, status and fame in the society. Sun is so important in astrology that, according to Vedic Astrology, if the planet Sun alone is strong in the birth chart, while the rest of the planets in the horoscope are weak, Sun alone can handle the entire load of the birth chart and drive the native to success and prosperity in his life.

As because Sun is regarded as the King of all planets and if the King is strong, there is no doubt, rest of the planets will automatically give good results. Sun for Cancer Ascendant is the lord of the 2nd house which is ruled by the sign Leo.

In Cancer Ascendant, Sun gets exalted in the 10th house and debilitated in the 4th house. This means for Cancer ascendants, Sun becomes a very important planet as it rules over the wealth of the person. Because the 2nd house is the house of wealth, family, speech and inheritance and Sun is the lord of that house.

Therefore, in our reading today, Sun will be mostly responsible for the wealth of the person. So, which ever house Sun creates a connection with in Cancer ascendant, Sun will be ruling over the wealth of the native.

Sun in the 1st house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 1st house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 1st house for Cancer ascendant is good position for Sun to be in. However, Sun is in the sign of Cancer which is of water element. Here, Sun is making a direct connection with the personality of the person, hence, the native will be short-tempered, ambitious, and will possess ego.

However, he won’t be fully able to express these personality traits as Sun is in a water element sign. Therefore, the native will definitely be emotional in nature. People will not be able to truly understand his personality.

The native will have a very strong and emotional connection with his family members.

The native will earn lots of wealth from his family and will also inherit lots of wealth and properties.

The native can finds lots of success in the field of business because here Sun is directly aspecting the 7th house which is the house of business and partnerships.

However, the native will have a dominating personality, while his spouse will have a short-tempered or irritable personality. This is the reason why, Sun’s aspect or any connection with 7th house can create problems in married life. This problem will further increase if there are aspects of planets like Rahu and Ketu on the 7th house.

The native will have a very bright face. People will be able to see and feel the glow upon his face.

The native will posses a very strong personality and will have good leadership skills.

Sun in the 2nd house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 2nd house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 2nd house is a very good position for Sun to be in as Sun here is in it’s own Mool Trikon sign Leo. Sun here becomes powerful and gives the native lots of fortune in terms of inheritance wealth and parental property. The native may be born in a family where the parents are rich.

The native will have a very strong financial status in his lifetime. He will be able to save a lot of money and will get wealth from his in-laws too.

Sun in the 2nd house is known to create problems regarding one’s eye sight. He/she may have to wear spectacles or glasses.

While, Sun in the 2nd house also gives diseases related to blood pressure. Here the 2nd house is the house of wealth, family, speech, and eating habits. If the native controls his eating habits and consumes healthy food, he will have no problem at all in life. But as soon as his eating habits gets disturbed, he will invite all kinds of diseases and sicknesses into his life.

Sun here also foretells that the native will live in a big family.

If Sun is with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu or aspected by these planets, then the native may have to face problems and issues regarding his inheritance and parental property. While, he may experience bad relationships with his father.

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Otherwise, Sun in the 2nd house is a great position for wealth as it also creates a auspicious Maha Dhan Yoga, where the native will be blessed with lots of wealth and prosperity in his lifetime.

Sun in the 3rd house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 3rd house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 3rd house for Cancer ascendant is a great position for Sun to be in. In fact, this is a very strong position as Sun here is a Karak Planet for the 3rd house and it’s gains a lot of strength.

Sun here makes the native very hardworking.

While, Sun being the lord of the 2nd house, sitting in the 3rd house denotes that the native will earn his wealth though his own self-efforts and hard-work.

Sun from the 3rd house directly aspects the 9th house, which is the house of bhagya or fate and fortune. This aspect of Sun makes the Bhagya or fate of the person very strong.

The native will achieve all the success, fate and fortune in his life though his own self-efforts and hard work. In fact, the more the native works hard in life, the better his life becomes and more opportunities for wealth, fortune and prosperity will unlock.

Sun here will make the native work hard in life. Many times, Cancer ascendants become lazy in life, yet, with this position of Sun, Sun here will help the native motivate himself to work hard and progress through his life.

While, if Mercury is also strong in the birth chart, or if Mercury is with Sun in the 3rd house, then the native will attain immense success in his lifetime. His fortune will be very strong and he will become very wealthy and prosperous in his lifetime.

The native will have excellent communication skills.

While, Sun in the 3rd house, if Sun is weak here, then the native’s siblings will have to face some problems or the native may not have good relationship with his siblings.

Sun in the 4th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 4th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 4th house for Cancer ascendant is not considered to be a good position. As long as Sun is between 10 degrees to 24 degrees, Sun here will not cause much problems. However, if Sun is between 0 to 10 and 25 – 0 degrees, then here Sun will create some problems in the life of the native.

The 4th house is the house that represents our home, mother, properties, real estate and our overall well being and happiness. Hence, Sun being in the 4th house will create disputes and fights in the home environment.

The native’s mother may suffer from some health problems and the native may have a bad relationship with his mother.

While, the people may take advantage of the native and he may often face lots of betrayal in his lifetime.

Sun here also directly aspects the 10th house of work and career and here, the native may face problems in his professional life. He may face clashes and disputes with his boss and high authorities.

However, if Sun is between 10 to 20 degrees, then the problems that he will face will be less and he will gain success in his career.

The native may leave his homeland or move away from his homeland for work or career.

People may find the speech of the native very aggressive and disturbing, even if the native himself doesn’t realize it.

However, the native gains good scope for wealth though real estate and land related careers. At the same time, the native can also do very well in the fields of government and politics, however, this is when Sun is strong in the birth chart and not being aspected by planets like Rahu and Ketu.

Sun in the 5th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 5th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 5th house is a good position for Sun to be in as Sun here makes the native very intelligent.

However, Sun in the 5th house in any ascendant is bad for children. The native may experience problems in child birth or delayed child birth. As even though Sun here, is good for the education of the native, Sun burns the house that it sits in and here, Sun creates lots of problems in cases with children.

Even if the native has children, it will be very challenging for the native to raise his child. The native’s son or daughter may not listen to him and will trouble the native.

However, the children of the native will be very intelligent.

This doesn’t mean that Sun here is bad, Sun from the 5th house aspects the 11th house of wealth and earnings and here the native will be able to earn lots of money in his lifetime.

The native will become very wealthy in his life and money and wealth will never be a problem for the native.

However, the biggest challenge that the native will face is his children and the fact that, raising one’s children will be difficult.

The native will earn good status and reputation in the society while, the native will also have a very strong and sharp voice though which he will be able to influence others.

Sun in the 6th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 6th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 6th house is a fair position for Sun to be in. This is because Sun here is in the sign of Sagittarius which is a fire sign, while Sun here not only becomes very strong but it can make the native have lots of anger within him.

Sun here will make the native have a very irritable personality. He will get irritated very fast and will be short-tempered. While, he also becomes very aggressive in nature.

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While, the native will have lots of enemies in his life.

One thing to note here is that Sun being in the 6th house, the native will become victorious over his enemies, and even thought the native will have many enemies, those enemies won’t be able to harm the native.

The native will have a very harsh style of speaking. While, the native may have to face some legal problems in his lifetime.

The native can face disputes with his father. He may have to face legal problems regarding his parental properties and inheritance.

The native gets good scope in government jobs, service and politics. However, he will have lots of enemies, but he will gain victory over them .

Sun in the 7th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 7th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 7th house for Cancer Ascendant is normally not considered a good position in terms of marriage. Here, Sun may create problems in marriage, which includes fights, arguments in the relationship as because Sun here directly aspects the 1st house which is the self.

Sun here makes the native very hard working and full of energy and vitality. He will posses a bright face, strong personality and a dominant character. However, he will also have ego and will try to dominate his spouse.

While, his spouse will be short-tempered and will get irritated very fast.

The native’s spouse may suffer from some health issues.

While, Sun directly aspecting the 1st house, indicates that the native will also be very short-tempered.

However, the native will face problems in marriage only Sun is weak in the 7th house. Sun here becomes weak if it is aspected or in conjunct with planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn.

Otherwise, Sun here gives amazing scope for business and the native can become a very successful businessman in his lifetime. The 2nd house lord sitting in the 7th house means that the native has the yoga for earning his wealth though business. While, he may also run his own family business.

The native may also get profit from the government or then native can get good scope in the fields of government and politics.

Sun in the 8th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 8th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 8th house is a great position for Sun to be in. Sun here gives wealth to the native through inheritance and parental property. The native may also get from in-laws while, the native will also have the yoga for sudden wealth in his lifetime.

While Sun here also makes the native become short-tempered. The native will have a strong voice.

The native will also be intelligent, and though his intelligent, he will be able to influence others or control others. While, the native will have good connections with the government sector and government officials. He will also benefit from the government.

While, Sun here also gives long life to the person.

Here, the native can also gain luck in the stock market, trading and speculation.

The native will also have good scope in the government sector, while he could actually work in the government sector.

Sun in the 9th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 9th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 9th house for Cancer Ascendant is a great position for Sun to be in. The 9th house is the house of Bhagya or Fate and Fortune and Sun here gives excellent results. Sun is regarded to be the planet responsible for the growth of the person in his lifetime. Here, Sun is a karak planet in the 9th house.

Sun here makes the native extremely hardworking as from the 9th house, Sun directly aspects the 3rd house of hardwork. The native will be able to achieve all the success in his life though his hardwork.

The native will be fortunate and lucky in his life.

While, the native will have close relationship with his father. It is said that, the native should respect his father and serve him, and this will make the planet Sun give even better results.

The native will also be dharmic and religious. To get he best results from Sun, one should go to the temple everyday and worship gods and goddesses. While he should also offer water to the Sun God.

The native will become very successful in his life, and he will achieve everything in life though his own self-efforts and hardwork.

Sun in the 10th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 10th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 10th house is a very powerful position for Sun to be in. Here Sun is in the sign of Aries, where sun gets exalted and becomes very strong. As we know, Sun gets natural strength in the 10th house and there is no doubt, Sun here give excellent results.

The native will get lots of success in his career and he will quickly rise to high positions in his work or job. As the 10th house is the house of career and job and Sun being here is very auspicious.

The native will become wealthy and prosperous in his lifetime though his career. This is a position where, the naive can actually become a multi-millionaire in his lifetime.

The native will also get good recognition and status in the society. He will be known for his work.

Sun here can also give massive fame to the native. There is a possibility that, the native can become famous worldwide, especially if the condition of Mars is also very strong.

The native will benefit from the government and the native gets lots of success in the government sector.

In order to take the full benefits of the planet Sun in 10th house, one can wear the Gemstone of Sun, which is ruby and enjoy all the benefits from it. By wearing the Ruby Gemstone, one will experience growth, success and rise in his career. People who are looking for jobs, promotions or for those who want to excel in life, the Ruby Gemstone is a must if your Sun is in the 10th house as Sun here is very strong. One will also experience improvement in the financial status and one’s wealth will increase.

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Sun in the 11th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 11th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 11th house is great position for Sun to be in. No matter which zodiac sign Sun sits in the 11th house, Sun here always gives great results as Sun in the 11th house is a Karak Planet for the house.

Sun here creates a very strong wealth yoga called “Maha Dhan Yoga” and with this, the native will become very wealthy and prosperous in his lifetime. Money and wealth will never be a problem for the native in his life.

While, if the natives wishes to and would dream of earning lots of wealth in his life, he can do so as with this Maha Dhan Yoga, native can easily become a Multi-Millionaire or even a Billionaire. However, one has the check the condition of Jupiter and Venus too. If both these planets are favorable in the birth chart, there is no doubt, the native will become very wealthy in his lifetime.

Sun in the 11th house also makes the native very intelligent as from the 11th house, Sun directly aspects the 5th house of education. The native excels in creative arts, creativity and will have good education.

There is a probability that the native’s child will be a male, however, the native can face problems regarding child birth. Children of the native will be delayed, while, it will be challenging for the person to raise his children.

Sun in the 11th house also indicates that the native will have a fixed level of earnings. This means that, the native can earn though government or job.

While, the native can also do business, if the 7th house is strong and he will be able to gain lots of successes though business as well.

But there is a high scope of government jobs and income from government and politics with this position of Sun.

Sun in the 12th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 12th house for Cancer Ascendant

Sun in the 12th house for Cancer Ascendant is a very good position for Sun to be in as Sun here is in the sign of Gemini, where Sun gets strong. 12th house is one of the bad houses in Astrology, and there is nothing to worry about Sun being in the 12th house.

Firstly, Sun here creates a “Shatru-Hanta” Yoga where the native gains victory over his enemies.

The native will earn lot of wealth in his life, however, wealth will also be spent. There will be lots of expenses for the native but the good thing is that, there will be inflow of wealth.

While, if there are aspects of malefic planets on the 12th house, then the native will spend his money on court cases, or bad things. So called expenses that are useless and waste.

However, if there are aspects of benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus on the 12th house, then the native will spend his money on good things.

If Sun here is in a weak position, then the native will suffer from eye related problems.

While, the native will spend his money on things that will benefit him. This can include religious expenditures, spirituality, donations, investments and businesses.

If Sun is weak here, then the native will have trouble sleeping or will experience sleep disturbances.

Remedies for Sun for Cancer Ascendant

1. Waking up before Sunrise – This is a very simple and basic remedy yet one of the most powerful ones. The best way to make our Sun strong is by waking up before the Sun rises. As if we align our bodily energies in accordance with the Sunrise and Sunset patterns of the Sun, Sun naturally becomes stronger and starts giving good results.

2. Offering water to the Sun God – The second best remedy for Sun is to offer water to the Sun God everyday in the morning. This is also known as Surya Argha, and if one does this everyday, one will get the fullest and most powerful blessings from the Sun God. This is indeed one of the most powerful remedies known to mankind in Vedic Astrology. Which is also the reason why millions of people offer water to the Sun God in the rivers of Ganges. Just by doing this simple remedy, one can experience the fullest benefits of planet Sun.

3. Surya Yantra – Another amazing remedy to improve your planet Sun is by keeping a Surya Yantra in your place of worship. This is also a very powerful remedy and by doing this, one will get protection from enemies, increase in positive energy at home, increase in wealth, health, one’s fate and bhaya will start to unlock and growth in life.

4. 12 Mukhi Rudraksha – Wearing a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha around your neck in red thread will help strength your planet Sun. It is the Rudraksha that is a symbol of the Surya Dev or Sun God. By wearing it, one will naturally experience prosperity, happiness and improves the administration capacity of a person in the fields of business, politics and government.

5. Surya Beej Mantra – Chanting the Surya Beej Mantra everyday for 108 times, along with the remedies mentioned above also strengths your planet Sun.

6. Drinking water in a gold vessel

7. Offering Lotus flowers to Lord Ganesh for 1 or 21 days.

8. Staying away from Non-vegetarian food and meat.

9. Helping blind people and serving them.

