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Mars in All 12 Houses for Taurus Ascendants



Mars in all 12 Houses for Taurus Ascedant

The one thing that describes a Taurus Ascendant rising person is “Hardwork”. Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus ascendants are known for having a very stable mind and they are extremely hardworking. In fact, they are born to be hard workers. Signified by the symbolism of Bull, they are people who write their own fate. They don’t need any Raj Yogas or support from any planes, as they have enough capabilities within themselves to achieve success, wealth, prosperity, fortune and everything that they wish in their life. Taurus ascendants are very much devoted to their work and it is through their Karma that they achieve great success in their life. However, Taurus ascendants can be very stubborn and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Once committed to some work, they will never choose defeat. If someone wants to learn hardwork, the best people to go to is to Taurus ascendants.

For Taurus Ascendant, Saturn is one of the most beneficial and Yogakaraka planet, As Saturn rules over the 9th and 10th house. There is no doubt, why Taurus ascendants are known to be so hardworking, as the Karak of hardwork, Saturn becomes the most important planet in their Lagna.

Jupiter may not be able to give good results as the lord of the eighth house and eleventh house which are both Marak houses. However, Venus being the lord of both the sixth and 1st houses gives auspicious results, as Venus here is the lord of the Lagan. Additionally, Moon’s position as lord of third house is also advantageous. On the other hand, Sun is the lord of the 4th house, thus it will also give auspicious results.

While, Mercury is also a Karak planet for Taurus ascendants as it is the lord of the 5th house. Mars give inauspicious results as Mars is the lord of the 7th house as well as the 12th house.

Today in this article, we will discuss the effects of Mars in all 12 Houses for Taurus Ascendants.

Mars for Taurus Ascendant

For Taurus ascendant, Mars is the ruler of the house of business which is the 7th house as well as the 12th house which is the house of losses and expenditure. Thus, Mars becomes an Akarak planet for Taurus ascendants.

The reason being that the 12th house is the house of losses, and Mars is the lord of expenditure in this lagna. Mars is also the lord of the marriage house, therefore, which ever house Mars makes a connection with, it brings losses, expenditure and weakens the benefic effects of that house.

In Vedic Astrology, Mars represents energy, action, courage, and desire. Mars is also the planet of war and aggression. In Vedic astrology, Mars is known as the “go-getter” planet. Mars gives us the energy to take action and get things done. Mars is also known as the “warrior planet.” Mars rules over our courage and desire. Mars gives us the strength to fight for what we want. Mars helps us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

However, since Mars will give inauspicious results for Taurus ascendants, Mars will make the native make wrong decisions in his life. Such natives will make decisions very quickly without thinking of the consequences of it. Here, Mars is indicating a loss of energy in things related to the house that Mars makes a relation with.

Mars becomes exalted in the sign of Capricorn, thus Mars gives good results in the 9th house for Taurus ascendants. While, Mars becomes debilitated in the 3rd house in the sign of Cancer.

Mars in the 1st House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 1st House for Taurus Ascendants

The 1st House, according to Vedic Astrology, is known as Tanu Bhava, which means the house of the body. The 1st House shows how an individual will look, their general health and well-being, and their overall energy level. It also represents the individual’s personality, their self-awareness, and their ego.

Mars being the lord of the 12th house and sitting in the 1st house indicates that now, the habit of spending money becomes the personality of the native. The native will be a lavish spender who will spend a lot of his money. Depending upon the condition of Mars in the 1st house and the 12th house lord, the native will either waste his money or spend his money for good.

Because here, the house of losses is making a connection with the individuality of the native.

The native will spend a lot of money upon himself, whether it is luxury, clothes, food, he becomes a lavish spender.

Here, Mars in the 1st house will make the native Manglik, or the native suffers from Manglik Dosha. Natives who have Manglik Dosh in their birth chart, suffer from marriage problems and face lots of obstacles and challenges in their married life.

The native by birth will be very hard working. Such natives have the capability to work for long hours and thus, it is through their this quality that they are able to achieve success and move forward in life.

However, Mars in the 1st house, also indicates that the native has huge amount of energy within himself. If the native is not able to control his energy, then many times, the native becomes very impatient, faces anger problems and due to this, such natives make a lot of wrong decisions in their life. As here, the native will not think, but act upon the circumstances in an instant while making any decisions.

Here, from the 1st house Mars aspects the 4th house, which is the house of home, home and family environment, mother and land. Here, Mars creates problems in the home environment of the native. Because of the high temper levels of the native, the native because of his short-temperedness will cause fights and arguments at home.

Here many times, Mars creates problems with the native’s relationship with his mother. The native will have friends who will only use the native and later betray him.

Mars from the 1st house also aspects the 7th house, which is its own house and here, Mars brings growth in the married life of the native. The native will lead a good married life, although, minor fights and arguments are bound to happen, as the native’s spouse will have a irritable and short-tempered personality.

However, Mars aspect on the 7th house, indicates that the native will benefit a lot from business. The native will prosper and become very successful in running his business. As the 7th house is the house of business, and it has its own sign there.

While, Mars from the 1st house also aspects the 8th house which is in the sign of Sagittarius. Here, the native will not face any problems regarding accidents, or he will be long-lived but he may face problems regarding his health. The native may have a very irritable and short-tempered personality. He will become irritated on small things that make no sense. Here, the native will create lots of unnecessary enemies for himself.

Mars in the 2nd House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 2nd House for Taurus Ascendants

The 2nd House in Vedic Astrology is known as the house of wealth. This is because it represents our material possessions and resources. The 2nd House also rule over our spoken words and speech. The 2nd House indicates our ability to acquire and maintain material wealth.

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Mars in the 2nd house is a very auspicious position for Mars to be in, as here, Mars will make the native extremely fortunate, or so called “Bhagyawani”.

While, the 2nd house represents, our family, family matters, inheritance, Mars being the lord of the 12th house and sitting in the 2nd house, indicates that the native may create fights and arguments in his home and family. The native may have to fight for his inheritance and parental properties and wealth.

While, the native can also have bad relationship with this brothers and sisters. Here, Mars can cause problems in the eye of the native. The native will face eye problems.

From the 2nd house, Mars aspects the 5th house of education, and intelligence. This aspect of Mars is great for attaining knowledge and will make the native very intelligent. Here, such natives can do businesses related to Land, Properties, Licensing, Real Estate, Buildings, or any other businesses related to Mars. And such natives will earn wealth through these professions.

While, we have to remember that Mars is in the 2nd house, which is also the house of speech and our voice. The native will have a very strong and influential style of speaking. In fact, such natives will posses the skill to sell almost anything to anyone.

While, Mars aspect on the 8th house, indicates that the native can face minor accidents in his life, related to burns, slips, falls, and sores on skin.

This position of Mars will enable the native to gain wealth from his wife or spouse. As Mars is also the lord of the 7th house. However, if Mars is in conjunction with a malefic, then the native suffer from eye problems.

Mars in the 3rd House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 3rd House for Taurus Ascendants

In Vedic astrology, the 3rd house is known as the house of self-effort. This is because the 3rd house represents the areas of life where we need to put in our own effort to achieve success. The 3rd House also rules over our mental faculties, including our memory, intelligence, and perception. This house is said to influence our ability to learn new things, as well as our capacity for critical thinking. Additionally, the 3rd House is associated with our siblings and relationships with our peers.

Mars here in the 3rd house is in its debilitated state, as Mars becomes debilitated in the sign of Cancer. Thus, Mars here will give inauspicious results. Even though, here, Mars is a Karak planet in the 3rd house, Mars here, will break the relationship with one’s brothers and sister.

The native will always experience conflicts, tensions and fights with his siblings.

Since, the 3rd house is the house of efforts and handwork, Mars here will cause problems with the native’s ability to perform and work hard in life. The native will be initially very motivated, will put in lot of effort, but he won’t be able to complete any task on time or will leave incomplete work.

Mars which is already weak here in the 3rd house, will aspect the 6th house of debt and diseases. And here, the native can become trapped in the cycle of debt. However, Since, Mars is the Karaka for debt, here it won’t destroy the native’s wealth.

While, the 6th house is also the house of enemies and Mars aspect on the 6th house indicates that the native will gain victory of his enemies. Although, Mars is weak in the 3rd house, Mars will make the native very courageous, he will be full of valor and vigor.

While, Mars from the 3rd house will also aspect the 10th house, where Mars is a Karak planet. In terms of career, work and profession, this is very good as Mars will bring growth into the career of the native.

However, Mars is still a malefic planet and it destroy the house that it aspects, thus, Mars here will create problems in the native’s relationship with his father.

Mars in the 4th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 4th House for Taurus Ascendants

In Vedic Astrology, the 4th House is known as the “House of Happiness”. It represents the things that make us feel happy and content, including our family, home, and personal belongings. The 4th House also rules over our sense of security and well-being. This is why it is said that the 4th House represents our “inner world”, as it is where we feel most comfortable and at ease. The 4th house also represents our mother, homeland, land, real estate and all of the life comforts.

The native born will have land, vehicles, properties and buildings in plentiful amount. He will be the owner of huge agricultural fields and will be lots of food to eat. However, since Mars here is also the lord of the 12th house, the native will spend his money on life comforts, land and vehicles.

If Mars or the 4th house is under malefic influence, then the native wealth will be wasted on land, and properties.

Mars in the 4th house also makes the native Manglik by birth. Thus the native will have a short-tempered personality. He will have high levels of anger within himself. Due to which there will be adversities or the native himself will cause adversities in the family causing domestic disturbances.

The native will have inimical relations with his near relatives and will live far away from his homeland.

Mars aspect on the 7th house is always not considered to be auspicious as the 7th house is the house of marriage. Here the native will face lots of fights, and conflicts in his married life, because of his angry personality and due to the conflict between his mother and spouse.

However, Mars in the 4th house gives business success to the native. The native will become successful in his profession and career and he will get gains from his business. While, the native shall also earn wealth from foreign lands.

Mars in the 5th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 5th House for Taurus Ascendants

The 5th House in Vedic Astrology is associated with creativity, self-expression, and fun. It rules over things like romance, children, and hobbies. This House is all about pleasure and enjoyment, and it’s where we find our joy in life. The 5th House is also linked to children, fertility and reproduction. While, the 5th house also indicates our intelligence, knowledge and education.

Mars in the 5th house is in the sign of Virgo and here Mars creates a 6th to 8th relationship with its own house in the 12th house. Thus Mars will gives inauspicious results in the 5th house for Taurus Ascendants.

The 5th house as we know is the house of education, intelligence and knowledge. Here, the native will face problems in his early education. It may be so that the native will not be able to fully utilize and benefit from the education that he has received. However, the native born will be naturally very intelligent and knowledgeable.

The 5th house is also the house of children and Mars in the 5th house is not considered good for children if Mars is weakly positioned. Here, the native will face conflicts with his sons and daughters, while, it will be very difficult for the native to raise his child. The children of the native may not listen to the native.

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Mars from the 5th house aspects the 8th house, where the native may feel isolated from his family and society. As here Mars can bring mental disorders to the native. The native may be very worried about his children.

However, Mars from the 5th house directly aspects the 11th house of gains and wealth, thus, Mars here makes the financial condition of the native strong. The native will not have to worry about money as the native will be naturally intelligent. Even without education, the native will be able to earn his money and wealth though his own education and intelligence.

Mars in the 6th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 6th House for Taurus Ascendants

In Vedic astrology, the 6th house is known as the house of enemies. It is traditionally associated with health problems, debts, and legal troubles. The 6th house also signifies service to others.

Mars in the 6th house is in a very good position as here, Mars is a Karak planet in the 6th house. Mars also creates a Raj Yoga called “Vipreet Raj Yoga” in the 6th house as it is also the lord of the 12th house.

Mars here can trap the native in debt, as here, the 6th house is still the house of debt and the native should be careful of debt and taking loans in life. However, one should never lend his money to anyone, as here the native will lose his wealth if he gives money to someone.

Mars is the Karak planet for debt, therefore, the native will be able to get gains from debt as well.

Mars from the 6th house aspects the 9th house of Bhagya or so called Fate and Fortune and here, Mars makes the Bhagya of the native very strong. The native will be very fortunate in his life and will get lots of opportunities in his life to gain success.

While, Mars in the 6th house will make the native valorous and full of courage and vigor. The native will gain victory over his enemies and here, the native will have lots of enemies, but they won’t be able to fight with the native.

While, Mars aspect on the 12th house, which is its own house indicates that the native will money will be spend on hospitals, medicine and court cases. Such natives should build lots of lands and invest their money in order to avoid wastage of money. As here, money and wealth will be spent, so it’s better to spend it on investments.

Mars in the 7th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 7th House for Taurus Ascendants

The 7th House in Vedic Astrology is associated with marriage, relationships, and partnership. It’s also said to represent the qualities that we look for in a partner. This House represents our ability to connect with others, and it shows the types of partnerships we are attracted to. The 7th House also governs sexual relations, and even business partnerships.

Mars in the 7th house is in the sign of Scorpio, and here, Mars creates a Maha Raj Yoga called “Ruchak Raj Yoga”. There is no doubt, the person who is born in this Raj Yoga will be extremely fortunate, valorous , full of courage and vigor, will be a learner of shastras and a chanter of mantras. He will gain lots of success in his life and will become a commander in chief, and will gain excellence in sports and military fields.

However, Mars from the 8th house aspects the 1st house which is the house of self, and here, Mars will make the native lack patience in life. The native will be very impatience, and will posses high levels of anger, although the native will be very energetic and full of inner vitality.

Mars is still a malefic planet, and although here Mars is very strong, Mars from the 7th house aspects the 10th house which represents our father. Here the native will face conflicts with his father and his thought process and his father’s will not match. While, the native will experience ups and downs in his career and work life.

After marriage, the native will grow in life at a very fast rate. His Bhagya or so called fate and fortune will unlock and he will experience lots of success and prosperity in his life.

Since, Mars is also the lord of the 12th house, one should always do birth chart matching before getting married as here Mars also makes the native Manglik by birth. If the native doesn’t find a suitable partner who has a match, then the native will experience difficulties in his married life.

Mars in the 8th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 8th House for Taurus Ascendants

The 8th House in Vedic Astrology is considered the house of transformation. It represents the areas of our lives where we experience the most change and growth. The 8th House is associated with death and rebirth, sex and sexuality, fears and phobias, and other deep, dark aspects of our psyche. The 8th House is also the house of hidden secrets, hidden knowledge, occult sciences and hidden wealth.

Mars here in the 8th house is in the sign of Sagittarius, and here, in terms for spirituality and dharma, this is a good position for Mars to be in. While, Mars from the 8th house also aspects the 2nd house which is the house of wealth and inheritance.

Here, the native will gain inheritance, wealth and the native will be gain wealth and money in his life. As the aspect of Mars on the 2nd house, it will increase the auspiciousness of the 2nd house. Here, the native will not face any money problems or somehow, the native will have gains of money and wealth in his life, as from the 8th house, Mars also aspects the 11th house of gains and wealth.

However, Mars is also a malefic planet, thus, the 2nd house is the house of speech and here, the native can face lots of problems in his life due to his speech as the native will have a very harsh style of speaking.

Mars in the 8th house, the native will suffer from eye diseases, and if Mars is under malefic influence, then the native will be short-lived. He will suffer from urinary diseases. However, if Mars is under benefic influence, then the native will enjoy good health, strong vitality and will be long-lived.

While, the native will be very hardworking, and will have multiple sources of income. These are natives who can be so called “Workaholics” as such natives have high levels of capacity to work hard for long hours.

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Mars in the 9th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 9th House for Taurus Ascendants

The 9th house is one of the most important houses in Vedic astrology. It is associated with knowledge, wisdom, and spirituality. The 9th house is also known as the House of Dharma, or the House of Religion. The 9th house is also the house of our Bhagya, or so called Fate and Fortune. It represents our luck and fortune in our lives.

Mars in the 9th house is in the sign of Capricorn where, Mars becomes exalted and here, Mars gives very auspicious results. Firstly, the native will become extremely fortunate or so called “Bhagyawani”.

Here, the 9th house is the house of religion, dharma and the 12th house is the house of Moksha and spirituality. Here, Mars will give very good results, and the native will be able to achieve the success that he wishes for. The more he joins hands with Dharma and Religion, Mars here gives even better results and he will be able to enjoy all kinds of success, wealth, life comforts, prosperity and fortune in his lifetime.

However, the native may face the problem of jealousy, as people will be jealous of the native. If Mars here in under malefic influence then the native will be mean, violent, sinful and irreligious. But he will get favors from the king.

The native will be extremely hardworking and such natives will be the owner of multiple lands, properties, vehicles and agricultural fields.

In other words, Mars in the 9th house will give very auspicious results.

Mars in the 10th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 10th House for Taurus Ascendants

The 10th house in Vedic astrology is associated with career, social status, and public image. This house shows how we express our dharma, or purpose in life. It indicates our ability to attain goals, either through our own efforts or by taking advantage of the resources of others.

Mars in the 10th house will be in its Karak house where Mars gains Directional Strength. Here Mars gives very auspicious results and becomes very strong.

However, Mars from the 10th house aspects the 1st house which is the house of self, our personality and behavior, thus, the native will have a very hasteful personality. He will make quick decisions on panic due to which he makes many wrong decisions in his life.

While, Mars in the 10th house will make the native have high levels of anger and he will be short-tempered. Although, the native will have high levels of inner vitality and energy. Such natives are natural sportsmen and will be physically strong.

Mars in the 10th house will also make the native very hardworking, and such natives will have the capability of working for long hours. While, the native will be able to achieve all of his success, wealth and fortune in his life through his own hardwork.

However, if Mars is in conjunction with a malefic, then the native will face obstructions and challenges in his career, while he may indulge in sinful deeds. While, Mars in the 10th house also indicates that the health of the mother will be weak, while the native may also have to face conflicts with his mother.

Mars in the 11th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 11th House for Taurus Ascendants

In Vedic Astrology, the 11th House is known as the House of Gain. This is because the 11th House governs our ability to achieve our goals and realize our ambitions. The 11th House is also associated with our social circle, as it represents the people we interact with on a daily basis. This includes our family, friends, and co-workers. Furthermore, the 11th House is thought to represent our charitable nature and our desire to help others.

Accordingly to Vedic Astrology, all the planets positioned in the 11th house is bound to give auspicious results, as it is considered to be very lucky to even have one planet in the 11th house. As the 11th house is the house of wealth, thus, having planets in this house indicates that the native will be able to earn wealth and money in his lifetime.

Therefore, Mars here from the 11th house aspects the 2nd house of wealth. Thus, the native will be able to earn lots of wealth and money in his lifetime. This position of Mars will bring lots of wealth into the life of the native.

From the 11th house, Mars also aspects the 6th house of debt, and here, the native will not have to worry about debt. He can create wealth using the power of debt to increase his wealth in turn. However, the native will gain wealth from multiple sources.

The native concerned will be wealthy, valorous, happy and will be blessed with children. He will be very cultured. While, the native may have to fight for his inheritance and parental properties.

While, the native born will be very courageous and full of valor. His enemies will be in fear, the moment they hear the name of the native.

Mars in the 12th House for Taurus Ascendants

Mars in the 12th House for Taurus Ascendants

In Vedic astrology, the 12th house is known as the “house of loss.” It represents all that is hidden, secret, or unseen. This includes our fears, anxieties, and hidden desires. The 12th house also represents our spiritual side, and our connection to the cosmos. This is the house of enlightenment, and it’s where we go to find answers to our deepest questions.

Mars in the 12th house also makes the native Manglik, thus the native should only marry after doing Kundli or Birth Chart Matching. However, Mars in the 12th house for Taurus Ascendant is a very auspicious position for Mars to be in as here Mars is in its own sign which is Aries.

If Mars is associated with a malefic in the 12th house, the native will posses a false vanity. He may suffer from eye diseases, while, the native will be sinful, mean, cruel and will be liable for imprisonment.

Mars here will not affect the marriage life of the native so as long as Mars is not under any malefic influence. The native will lead a happy and peaceful married life, although, the native’s spouse will have a irritable and angry personality but the native will be able to adjust to her personality.

However, if the spouse doesn’t get along with the native, then the native will suffer in his married life. While, the Mars aspect on the 6th house indicates that the enemies of the native will be weak in front of the native. The native will gain victory over his enemies.

The native will be very hardworking, however, he will not gain happiness from this brothers and sisters. Else, the native will not have any siblings in his life.

However, here the native can spend or waste his money on wrong things. Thus, the native should not indulge himself in sinful deeds and work.

