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Animal Astrology

Importance Of Cows in Vedic Astrology and Hinduism



In the Hindu culture animals play an important role and feeding them is of massive religious significance. The religion focuses largely on feeding the needy and underprivileged. Supporting people is important but supporting animals in the Hindu culture especially can lead to good Karma. The Vedas and scriptures mention in depth gow feeding certain animals can absolve certain sins. The significance of every animal that we feed affects the fruitful posting of one’s planets. 

In Hinduism, the cow is a symbol of the Earth and is known as the ‘mother’. Therefore cows hold an unmatched religious significance. Cows are worshipped by many in India and it is believed that feeding a cow can help one overcome the malefic effects of planets on their horoscope. These effects may include looking for a child or favours. Feeding cows treats such as green grass and flour sweets is believed to bring good karma. 

Cows have been worshiped by Hindus and have been given the status of ‘Mother’ and cows are also revered as Goddess in the faith of Hinduism. Cows are henceforth sacred in the religion. Those who practise the religion use the milk provided by cows as sustenance. Cows are seen as maternal figures and their caretakers see them as a symbol of divine bounty. 

Hindu astrology and religion suggests that Lord Krishna, is one of the most important Hindu deities who is depicted in lore as playing his flute and accompanied by cows among cow Gopis i.e milkmaids. Lord Krishna himself leads the herd which is why he goes by the name of Govinda and Gopal. He is known as the friend and protector of the cows. True devotees of the hinduism religion consider feeding cows as an auspicious event when done before breaking fast in the morning. 

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In the Vedic scriptures, the emphasis of caring for and protection of cows is undeniable. Killing a cow or eating its meat is a sin of the highest degree. In India, even today there are many states that consider cow slaughter illegal. Even among the busy streets of Delhi and Mumbai, it is common that one comes across cows roaming freely. This is also the case all over India. 

Most Hindus are vegetarians and not vegan because they believe in the Ayurvedic importance of eating fresh, organic milk, yogurt, buttermilk, paneer and the like. Not only do consuming these foods is revered as highly nutritious. Cows provide many practical purposes as well and are considered a divine blessing. The sacred bull, i.e. Lord Shiva’s vehicle is among the many divine blessings. 

Cow dung is often saved and used for fuel for its high methane constituency which is quite useful in generating electricity. Village homes are often plastered with mud and cow dung which allows for insulation against extreme hot and cold temperatures, Cow dung is especially rich in minerals and can be used as an excellent fertilizer. 

Cow dung is saved and used for fuel, as it is high in methane, and can generate heat and electricity. Many village homes are plastered with a mud/cow dung mixture, which insulates the walls and floors from extreme hot and cold temperatures. Cow dung is also rich in minerals, and makes an excellent fertilizer. There is a big organic farming movement in India to return to ancient methods of utilizing cow dung to re-mineralize the depleted soil.

