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Effects of 2nd House Lord in the 8th House | Lords in Different Houses



Effects of 2nd House Lord in the 8th House | Lords in Different Houses

The 2nd house is the house of wealth in Vedic Astrology. It is the house of inheritance, ancestral properties and parental wealth. It is also the house of speech, food habits and most importantly it is the house of family and our ability to accumulate wealth in our life. All of the material possessions and assets is also signified by the 2nd house.

While the 8th house is the house of Death. It is known as the house of transformation, and all the hidden things in life is indicated by the 8th house. As we know, no body knows what happens after death, therefore, the 8th house also indicates hidden knowledge, hidden side of spirituality, 6th sense, occult sciences and astrology. While, the buried wealth and sudden gains or loss in wealth is also seen from the 8th house. Which is the reason why, lottery and gambling is also signified by the 8th house.

When the 2nd house lord sits in the 8th house, it is actually a very good position for the 2nd house lord to be in. This combination brings lots of wealth to the native, especially inherited wealth from parents and ancestors. Natives with this position of 2nd house lord will experience lots of instants of suddenly gaining or losing wealth in their life. This is a perfect combination or yoga for people who win lottery tickets. While, the 2nd house lord in the 8th house also makes the native extremely intelligent, as the 8th house also represents our sub-conscious intellect. Such natives are known to be skilled in cheating and using fraud as a means of earning wealth. Such natives are also very much inclined towards spirituality.

Today in this article, we are going to discuss the effects of 2nd house lord in the 8th house and discuss its effects for different ascendants.

Effects of 2nd house lord in the 8th house

The 2nd house as we know is the core house of wealth, it is our bank balance, and it also governs with our speech and family.

When the 2nd house lord sits in the 8th house, it denotes that the native will gain lots of inheritance and inherited wealth in his lifetime. Although, the native will gain the wealth after a loss.

The 8th house is the house of sudden changes and transformations in life. That’s why we see the yoga for Lottery and Gambling from the 8th house too, along with the 5th house.

When he 2nd house lord sits in the 8th house, it generally denotes that such natives have the yoga for suddenly gaining huge amounts of wealth in their life. However, whether the gain is positive or negative depends upon the planet that is sitting in the 8th house and the condition of the 2nd house lord and the 8th house lord.

If Ketu is in the 8th house, then this is a very strong yoga for sudden gains of wealth in life. Ketu here gives lots of hidden wealth to the native.

The 2nd house lord in the 8th house can also make a native an astrologer. As the 8th house is the house of occult sciences, hidden knowledge and astrology, thus earnings and wealth from the significations of 8th house is seen from this position of the 2nd house lord. Especially, if the 2nd house lord is Venus, then the native can make money from Astrology, as Venus is the Karaka for Astrology.

If the 2nd house lord in the 8th house is influenced by malefic or is afflicted, that is when the 8th house lord is in Paap Kartari Yoga (Malefics on the both sides of the 8th house) or if the 8th house lord is afflicted or weak, then the native will waste his money. He will lose his wealth on account of unnecessary and mindless spendings, lottery, gambling and even addictions.

See also  Effects of 2nd House Lord in the 2nd House | Lords in Different Houses

Here the native will be very intelligent. As the 8th house also signifies common sense, and our intuitive intelligence. Such natives naturally posses the ability to cheat others, thus fraud monks, and people who fraud others are seen from this position. However, if the 8th house afflicted, then the nature of the person to cheat others increases.

2nd house lord in the 8th house for Different Ascendants

For Aries Ascendant, Venus is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Scorpio. Here, Venus from the 8th house directly aspects the 2nd house which is its own house and here, Venus strengthens the financial condition and wealth of the native. The native will be very interested in occult sciences, tantra, mantra and gaining the knowledge of hidden sciences. The native takes great interest in Astrology and the native can also earn wealth from astrology. Such natives understand Astrology very quickly. The native will be long-lived but may have a harsh speech.

For Taurus Ascendants, Mercury is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Sagittarius. Mercury in the 8th house indicates that the native will be very far-sighted. He will have the ability to predict future events. He will be a knower of tantra and mantra and will take interest in subjects of Astrology and occult sciences. The native will gain inheritance in his life and such natives experience sudden gains in wealth and money many times in their life. The native will be very wealthy, and will be long lived. He will have a good reputation not only in his own country but in a foreign land as well.

For Gemini Ascendants, Moon is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Capricorn. Moon here, being the lord of the wealth house and sitting in the 8th house denotes that the native will benefit and get gains from lottery and gambling. Such natives are very intelligent, as Moon in the 8th house will make the native have a very sharp, clever and intelligent mind. They are experts in deceit and fraud and they posses the ability to cheat others. While, the native will have wealth in huge amounts and will be wealthy and rich in their life. However, such natives will frequently suffer from health problems. Although the native has the unique ability to use deceit to cheat others, this will in turn cause negative consequences upon the health of the native, as the more money, the native cheats and earns, the more money he has to spend on his health.

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For Cancer Ascendants, Sun is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Aquarius. Sun in the 8th house is in the sign of Aquarius, which is an air sign and here, Sun gains lots of strength and will give good results. Sun here can make the native suffer from diseases related to blood pressure, and will have high levels of anger. However, Sun here makes the native very intelligent and he will be so called brilliant. As the 8th house is also the house of spirituality, the the native will also be very spiritual and dharmic in nature. The native will be highly skilled in deceiving others and will excel in government jobs and politics. However, the native can suffer from problems related to his eyes.

For Leo Ascendants, Mercury is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Pisces. Mercury in the 8th house is in its debilitated condition and here, even though Mercury will give wealth to the native, such native will lose his wealth or waste his wealth on unnecessary things. The native may spend his money unnecessarily on things such and black magic, tantra, mantra, fake gurus who cheat the native. The native will have a very weak immune system, thus one should always take care of their eating habits as this position of Mercury is bound the bring diseases and sicknesses into the life of the native. The native may be prone to heart disease.

For Virgo Ascendant, Venus is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Aries. Venus in the 8th house denotes that the native will have to struggle and work very hard in his life. Thus, such natives should never shy away from hard work and instead take it as the mantra for success in life. Because if the native doesn’t choose that, native will face lots of wealth and money problems in his life. If the native really works hard in life, then from the 8th house, Venus accepts the 2nd house which is its own house, thus, the native will become very wealthy and this position of Venus will also grant lots of wealth and money to the native. This position of Venus will help the native learn ancient knowledge, vedas, hidden knowledge, occult sciences and even astrology. However, the native may face problems related to Sugar and diabetes, therefore, such natives should always control their eating habits.

For Libra Ascendants, Mars is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Taurus. Mars in the 8th house will make the native prone to accidents, such as burns, breaking of bones, falling, or having sores on skin. Mars in the 8th house is also gives lots of wealth to the native. The native will have lots of sources of income, or if he only has 1, he will be rich and wealthy. The native will be very hardworking and such natives are so called “Workaholics”. However, Mars here weakens the health condition of the native. While, the native should be careful while making any decisions, especially decisions related to money and finance, as Mars here can provoke the native to make quick decisions that can cause the loss of wealth for the native.

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For Scorpio Ascendant, Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Gemini. The native will be a very spiritual person. He can become a great guru or a spiritual leader. As here, Jupiter will also make the native very wealthy and rich in his lifetime. The native should join hands with knowledge as it is through knowledge, one will attain even more wealth and prosperity.

For Sagittarius Ascendants, Saturn is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Cancer. Saturn in the 8th house is going to increase the longevity of the native. The native will be long lived, however, the native will have to work very hard in his life in order to earn a livelihood. While, Saturn from the 8th house will aspects its own house which is the 2nd house and here, Saturn will help the native accumulate lots of wealth in his life. In the later half of life, such natives usually become very wealthy and financially strong.

For Capricorn Ascendants, Saturn is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Leo. Saturn here creates lots of hardships and struggles in the life of the native. The native will have to work very hard in his life, in order to earn for his living. However, the native will be very fortunate and bhagya will always support the native. Native will get lots of opportunities for work. Saturn in the 8th house is also said to increase the longevity the person, as the native will be long-lived. The native will be wealthy in the later half of his life.

For Aquarius Ascendant, Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Virgo. Jupiter in the 8th house will give very beneficial results, and will increase the wealth and fortune of the native. The native will spend his wealth on building properties and on home and family. The native here will be very intelligent and knowledgeable, and if such natives take the path of dharma and spirituality, Jupiter here will give very beneficial results.

For Pisces Ascendants, Mars is the lord of the 2nd house and is sitting in the 8th house in the sign of Libra. Here, Mars is also the lord of the Bhagya or house of fortune, and is sitting in the 8th house, thus, Mars here will make the native work very hard in life. Such natives should not shy away from hardwork, but instead, they should become very hardworking as here the position of Mars is telling us that the native will not only posses the ability to work hard and persevere, but will achieve all of his success and wealth though hardwork. The native should wear hardwork as a pendant on his chest, as the more he works hard, the more wealthy and successful he becomes in his life.

