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Born on Purnima Tithi? What does it mean to be born on a Full Moon Day?



Born during Purnima Tithi What it means to be born on a Full Moon

It is said that people born during the day of Purnima are extremely blessed. They are wealthy, mentally strong and have a big appetite for food. They posses immense sexual and internal energy. However, such natives have high attraction towards opposite sex.

This is essentially what our Shastras say about people born during the day of Purnima. For those who do not know what “Purnima” is. Purnima is a fifteenth tithi is Shukla Paksha, or so called Full Moon day. This is when the Moon is fully lighted up by the Sun. The days of Purnima has a very important significance in the Hindu religious tradition. This is the time, when people also do a “Purnima Fast”. This is done to strengthen one’s Moon in the birth chart.

During the Full Moon day, almost everyone is emotionally affected. They feel a sense of heightened positivity, mental activity, increase in energy levels and people tend to feel emotionally lifted. Now for people born during such a day, there is no doubt, they themselves will possess a strong mental capabilities, and a highly emotional mind.

Today, in this article, we are going to discuss about What it means to be born on a Full Moon day or Purnima. Join me as together, we will explore all the mysteries related to the Purnima Tithi, and the reason why being born on the day of Purnima can actually be very challenging.

What is the Purnima Tithi in Vedic Astrology?

Purnima Tithi is the time when the Moon has reached it’s Full Moon period. This tithi has been given very strong significance in Vedic Astrology as this is the time, when Moon is the strongest. During the Full Moon day, the power of attraction increases, and since, Moon represents the mind and emotions, our emotional and mental activity is highly affected during this period.

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It is during the time of full moon day, the tide reflux also becomes more intense, and as such, our human body has high water content, Moon affects the feelings and emotions of a person.

During the period of Purnima, many religious donations, pujas and fasting is done. Lord Vishnu is worshipped, while females fast during the day of Purnima in hopes of fulfilling their wishes and bearing a child.

Characteristics of natives born during the Purnima Tithi

Natives born during the full moon or Purnima are said to possess strong mental strength and capabilities. However, they may be very emotional or emotionally sensitive. The native has a strong desire and passion to live life and gain success in life. He is ambitious, wealthy, and easily attracts others towards him, especially the opposite sex.

The native is intelligent, and our shastras say that such natives are fond of delicious food and have a big appetite for food. The native has an attractive personality and a bright appearance. He is good looking and beautiful.

The native also has strong morale and doesn’t accept defeat easily in his life. The native is able to express themselves firmly through creative outlets such as music or art.

However, there are some negative sides towards being born on the day the Purnima. Feelings and emotions become a big challenge for such natives as Moon here is very strong. Such natives may be emotionally attached to their loved ones, however, this same attachment can make them suffer from lots of mental troubles and problems.

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Moon being too strong, also indicates that they have too much mental activity going on which can exhaust them at times. Regardless of all the challenges, such natives are given the strength to face any kind of adversities and problems in their life.

Importance and Significance of the Purnima Tithi in Vedic Astrology

The reason why Purnima Tithi is so important is because Shukla Paksha ends on this day and Krishna Paksha begins. In one Moon year, there are 12 Purnimas. Many Hindus fast on this day and is called Purnima Vrat. This is the time, when fasting is done in hopes to fulfil their dreams and wishes.

Devotees also take a bath in sacred rivers and pray to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Chandra Dev. They also perform Sri Satyanarayana Puja to bring prosperity, happiness, good health and wellness to themselves and their family.

Full Moon day is associated with birth, rebirth, creation and manifestation. This is the time, when Moon completes one cycle of earth and thus, Full Moon represents the beginning of a new chapter in life.

There are essentially 12 Full Moon nights or 12 Purnimas:

  • April – Chaitra Purnima
  • May.- Vaishakh Purnima
  • June – Jyeshtha Purnima
  • July – Ashadh Purnima
  • August – Shravan Purnima
  • September – Bhadrapad Purnima
  • October – Ashvin Purnima
  • November – Kartik Purnima
  • December – Margasirsha Purnima
  • January – Pushya Purnima
  • February – Magha Purnima
  • March – Phalguna Purnima

If you notice, these are actually the names of Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology. Purnima always falls on a festival, so the arrival of Purnima signifies the beginning of a new festival celebration.

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Vedic Astrology significance of Purnima is when Sun and Moon are directly aspecting each other, or in other words, they are in the 7th house from each other. This is to say that, during the day of Purnima, Sun lights up and brightens the energy and strength of Moon. Even during the darkest night, a full moon night is always bright. The house where Moon is situated are highly impacted during the full moon day.

